What a surprise to wake up to snow this morning…..thanks for everyone’s efforts getting in eventually today. The children enjoyed playtime and lunchtime in the snow and spent the day spotting Christmas trees that have appeared in school over night. It was a great way to kick off the start of Dec
The time has finally come! The children in Year 5 were ready to dye their batik style art work! The children used wax crayons to create a resistant layer, which would stop the dye permeating the fabric, before carefully applying dye to make beautiful patterns on their art work. As we have studied ri
Harlow Green qualify for the Tyne and Wear Finals! What an afternoon for our Year 5 and 6 Indoor Athletics Team at the Gateshead School Sports Partnership Indoor Athletics Finals. All athletes did exceptionally well and gave a 100% on every single event, in addition to attending extra training sessi
This week Reception have learnt all about keeping healthy and hygienic. We started the week reading the story ‘Wiffy Wilson – The Wolf Who Wouldn’t Wash’. This taught us all about good and bad dirt and how to keep our bodies clean and healthy. We talked all about how important it is to wash our hand
All of Year One have been enjoying learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali as part of their RE lessons. They learnt that Diwali is the festival of light and it is celebrated by lighting Diya lamps, giving presents and sweets and enjoying fireworks. Rangoli patterns are created outside hous
This term, Year Two have been practising their hockey skills in PE. In their first lesson, they learned how to use the hockey stick correctly and safely. The children held the stick using two hands to ensure they had full control over the ball. This week, the children have been practising their drib
For our art topic this term, we started by looking at the ways in which artists use pencils to create realistic drawings. Mark making is the foundation to this and the children learn about all the different ways pencils can be use to mark, shade, blend and sketch. We look at how sketches are mad
Year 6 children, who are already confident applying a timber hitch, now attempted to add tension to lines they have created. Without tension the line won’t support weight, whether a climbing human or tarp when shelter building, a slack rope will effect the integrity of the timber hitch and create sa
Over this term Year 4 have been working on their boat building skills, linked to their topic of Vikings. Knot work has been the foundation for these sessions. This requires co-operation and a lot of patience. First they were taught the timber hitch to use as an anchor line. Once this was mastered, s
All of Year 3 have been enjoying their work on multiplication and division. Last week we launched the Times Tables Rock Stars programme. The children had a try at using this in school and many boys and girls have been working on this at home too in their quest to become a ‘Times Tables Rocksta