This week we finally completed our design and technology projects. Firstly the children coloured in a volcano and a pterodactyl outline. They were encouraged to add detail such as lava and eyes on the dinosaur. Next they had to carefully cut each shape out – it was really difficult cutting r
On Friday 19th November, we celebrated Children in Need across school. The children came in their spots, dress up costumes or Pudsey accessories to raise money for the 2021 Appeal Show. We all learnt the meaning behind Children in Need and how it originated through our class assembly time. Everyone
Year 6 have been learning about the Second World War in their French lessons as well as in English and Topic. They surprised themselves by being able to decode French words on the PowerPoint fairly easily; using their prior knowledge of the topic, looking at the pictures and by seeing how familiar
Over the last two weeks, we have been learning about Christianity in Year 3. The boys and girls learnt about John the Baptist and were able to retell his story using visual prompts. As John the Baptist told people to repent their sins, the children wrote about something they wanted to say sorry for.
Come and play the Forest School way. Many of our Reception children have already learned so much about enjoying this wilder environment safely during their years in our nursery. Now they can hone their skills and get creative. Those children then support children who are new to Harlow Green and help
Year 6 showed off their rope work skills this week. After being taught a timber hitch for anchoring, the children then translated that knowledge into the trees, creating their own rope lines. Securing with simple half hitches to give tension they had to work together to ensure tight and safe lines.
Today was an exciting day at school as an order of books arrived for the Accelerated Reader scheme. As a school, we are committed to providing the children with the opportunity to enjoy books and to read for pleasure. In the Accelerated Reader library we have fiction and non-fiction books; books fro
Is it too early to think about Christmas? Definitely not! Dark nights = curled up reading all cosy in the house! I love the new books that come out each year at Christmas and have developed quite a collection of picture books and chapter stories that are annually read during the festive period – and
This week at school it has been ‘Anti-bullying Week’ and in Nursery we have all enjoyed wearing odd socks! This prompted a discussion about ‘how it is ok to be different, and nobody is the same.’ We read the story ‘Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly’, which is all about two best friends lik
Together in Nursery, we have had a fun-filled busy week. We have been exploring the Indian Culture and the Festival of Diwali. On Monday we looked into the country of India, what animals are there, and discussed the patterns and noises that they make. The children liked dressing up in Indian clothin