This half term, Year 5 are looking at vector drawing in Computing. To do this, the classes are using drawing tools within PowerPoint. Firstly, the children were introduced to vector drawings and began to develop an understanding that they are made up of simple shapes and lines. Following this, each
In Year 3 this half term, the boys and girls are learning how to play tag rugby. We started our learning by playing a game of tag and learning how to take a tag off an opponent – the children thoroughly enjoyed this! Developing passing skills was the next challenge and the children did find it trick
“At the going down of the sun and in the morning… We will remember them” Remembrance honours those who serve to defend our democratic freedoms and ways of life. In 2021 we are celebrating 100 years since the nation’s collective Remembrance traditions were first brought together. To mark Armistice
Over the last few weeks, it has been lovely to hear so many children talking about the books that they are reading in school and being asked for recommendations and authors, so that they can read more at home. This week’s books actually come from recommendations from Mr Allen’s son – one that he tho
It was pleasing to see so many of the children continuing to use Reading Plus over the half-term holiday and returning to school ready to do an Accelerated Reader quiz. Regular reading practise is one of the single-most important factors in being successful in school. This week has seen the first ch
This afternoon some of our Year 5s and 6s took part in the Gateshead School Sports Partnership Indoor Athletics Competition. The competition was split into two parts – track and field events. Both our boys’ and girls’ teams were fantastic and they finished 2nd overall – missing out on first plac
A fun packed morning in Year 2 this week. As part of the children’s history lessons, they have been learning about the Great Fire of Gateshead. They created their own houses in class and had the opportunity in our Forest School session to see first hand the effects of fire. Before the session began
This afternoon, in the Forest School, our Reception children enjoyed some campfire cooking and learnt about fire safety. They shared stories about Bonfire night and we discussed how to stay safe around fire, so we can all enjoy it. The children ate caramelised pears and got very sticky fingers. They
Since September, Harlow Green Primary School has been able to open to all our children and provide an education with greater normality. Having children in school so that they can take part in lessons across all subjects, attend clubs, begin to represent school at sports events etc. has been such a
Year 2 enjoyed some afternoon sunshine in our Forest School this week. Spending some time with the hens and gaining confidence in handling them. As the children progress through school they will be taught how to look after the hens, cleaning them out and ensuring they have enriched lives, learning