Over the past couple of weeks, the children in Year 6 have been working on drawing within art lessons. They have developed their shading techniques. The unit began with the children exploring pattern and the hatching method. Following this, they have learnt how to create reflections and show light,
In our art lessons in Year 3 this half term, the children have been learning about printing. At first, the children investigated the effects of different textures when printing and then created monoprints of their own designs. The final print design of the children linked back to our work on the anc
This half term, Year 5 have enjoyed reading the story Beowolf written by Michael Morpurgo. After finishing the book, the children have planned and written a sequel to the story about the brave warrior meeting and fighting a second beast. Within their writing, the children have included features that
It is lovely reading and looking at the books to recommend each week for Book Corner. This week, there are two new books that have just been published in 2021 – both are award winning and were a pleasure to read. Invisible (Age 2-any age): A really heart-warming story of a little girl who does the h
As we reach the end of the half-term, it is excellent to see the effort that so many children have been making to read regularly. All children in KS2 should be reading using either Reading Plus or Lexia and then their Accelerated Reader books each week. Over the last fortnight the two classes with t
Over the past half-term, Year 6 have been learning about circuits and conductors. We have talked about the future possibilities when it comes to having good understanding of circuits and the children have acted like electricians to spot problems in circuits and have drawn their own circuit diagrams.
In our Computing lessons this half term, the children in Year 5 have been focussing on networks, systems and communication using the internet. A key focus was how we could communicate remotely, which is something a lot of us have had practise with over the last year or two! The children were able to
Autumn Over the week we have taken a look at the season of ‘Autumn’. The children enjoyed exploring the changes to the trees and the weather outside. We went on an autumn walk, where we hunted for autumn treasures on our school grounds. We found: red, green, yellow, brown, orange, and black leaves,
In Year 2, we have been showing off our fantastic artistic talents. First, we used the primary colours to create the secondary colours. So we mixed red and yellow paint to make orange, blue and yellow paint to make green and blue and red to make purple. Then, we learnt that if we added some white pa