

In Computing this half term, Year 4 have been learning all about what the internet is; we’ve been looking at servers, networks, routers and websites and then looking at how people create and compose website information and share things online.  For the last couple of lessons, we used Chrome Music L


The children in Year 3 have been working hard with written and mental methods of addition and subtraction.  They have been using place value counters and dienes equipment to add and subtract with two and three digit numbers.    They have also used numberlines to count forward and count back.  Th


Year 6A were lucky enough to be visited by Ukuma Ta’ai from Gateshead Thunder and the Tonga national rugby league teams. He gave the children the opportunity to ask questions about life as a professional sportsman and gave some good advice about sticking in and trying hard at school. Following this,


Children in Nursery have taken an interest in making birthday cakes in the playdough area, mud kitchen, and home corner therefore we explored birthdays this week. The children have engaged in games where we roll the dice and count candles onto birthday cakes. Together we have enjoyed making party ha


As part of our ‘River of Life’ topic, the children have been learning about the physical geography of rivers. Many of them were able to name the rivers in our local area, capital city and even some in different parts of the world. They also made thoughtful suggestions about why rivers are such an im


We have been so busy in Reception this week! Here are just a few things we have been learning all about. Topic In Reception this week, we have been learning all about the season of Autumn. We went on an Autumn walk around school to identify the changes we noticed, looking at colours, sounds and the


In History, we are studying the Vikings and this week we have looked at how they influenced where we live and how we live today.  We started with the chronology of when the Viking raids took place.  Then we have been looking at houses, lifestyle, work and place names locally – identifying those th


In Year 2, we have been learning how to take fantastic photographs on the iPads in Computing. The children have learnt about what makes a good photo and what makes a bad photo. They now know the subject needs to be central and they need to frame their photograph so that all of the desired subject fi


Making friends, sharing and co-operating with one another is an important part of Year One.  In PSHE the children discussed ways to be a good friend and acted out different scenarios to demonstrate what a good friend would do.  They thought of so many excellent ways to be kind to everyone.  To sh