In Geography, Year 2 have been learning all about maps. First, the children learnt that maps use symbols as there isn’t enough room on a map to write words/sentences. The children learnt about some basic map symbols and what they represented. Then they went on a map symbol hunt around the grounds of
We have been super active in Reception this week! The children have loved having access to the bikes and scooters on the yard to practice their gross motor and balancing skills. Some children even learnt how to ride a bike without stabilizers! We have also been practicing our throwing and catching s
This week Year One had their very first whole class computing lesson. They were so excited to use the I-pads independently. So far this term the children have learnt about what technology is – something that has a job or is useful and is made by people. This week they were eager to use technol
Reading is an essential part of Harlow Green’s curriculum and fostering a life-long love of reading within the children is of fundamental importance. Sometimes, we can get bogged down as readers into reading books by the same author and we forget to look at new books that are available. In ‘Reading
In English, Year 6 have been reading the book ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo. They have explored the characters and looked at the life of evacuees – exploring how they would feel and how life would be different in the countryside compared to the city. The children have been taking part in a new
This term, Year 5 are enjoying learning how to introduce and describe their pets in French. During the unit, the children have had the opportunity to speak, listen to, read and write words and phrases that enable them to say what pets they have or don’t have and their pet’s name. This block builds o
Families The children in Nursery this week have enjoyed talking about themselves, their families and what their house looks like. We linked talking about families and houses to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Together we have discussed size, using the vocabulary of ‘smaller, smaller,
Over the last two weeks, in Year 4 we have been learning about sound and how we hear. We started by looking at musical instruments and how we could feel them vibrate as we played, banged and hit them. We looked at how soundwaves travel and how they look different depending on the volume and pit
This week, Year Two have been working hard to compare, order and partition two-digit numbers. They used the comparison symbols (< > =) to decide whether a number was greater than, less than or equal to another number. The children learned a trick to help them with this – the crocodile eats the
Over the last two weeks, we have been studying the history part of our topic thinking about World War Two. Before we began our learning about World War Two, we looked at the other history topics that have been studied in Key Stage 2. Then, the children placed these periods on a timeline; they enjoye