

As part of our PE lessons, this half term Year 3 will be learning about hockey. The children were very excited to get started, and they were fantastic during the lessons! Both classes have learnt to correctly hold a hockey stick and are beginning to show good control when moving with the ball. The c

Reading is of such fundamental importance to the progress of all children in school. In KS2, the children use two reading programs – Reading Plus and Accelerated Reader. the children work independently to read and take quizzes on books and extracts. Every fortnight, we look to see which classes have


It has been a real pleasure to welcome our new children to Reception Class over the last two weeks.  This week has been their first full week at school.  We have been so impressed with how well they have settled in and made new friends. The children have quickly adapted to life in Reception, alrea


This week we have been working on our Place Value and understanding the value of each digit in thousands numbers.  Year 4 have impressed us so much, we finished the week completing hundreds and thousands calculations mentally, by looking at what would be the same and what would be different.  This


Year One have been investigating different kinds of animals.  Firstly they learnt about what an animal is – ” a living thing.”  Then they discovered that there are different groups of animals.  They had fun sorting toys and pictures into mammals, fish, birds and insects.  The children even discu


As part of our PE lessons, this half term Year 5 will be learning more about Tag Rugby. The children were very excited to get started, and they were fantastic during the lessons! Both classes played various games where they had to use all of the skills they will require for Tag Rugby games, includin


In English, Year Two are reading Beauty and the Beast. To launch our new book, the children made terrifying beast masks. After listening to the story, they had to decide whether they liked or disliked the beast. The children used some fantastic adjectives to explain their opinions of the character.


During our science lessons in Year 3 this term, the children will be learning all about light. The children generated lots of interesting questions they would like to find the answers to during our work, such as ‘Are there light sources in space?’ This week, the children have investigated light sour


This week, Year Six have taken part in lots of physical activity. They have learned drills in Tag Rugby lessons; 6B went for their first swimming lesson; and 6A enjoyed some fun in the sun with team games and races. Health is one of the key aspects of the school curriculum and is one of the main dri