

This week Year One were introduced to their new English text. It’s a non-fiction book called ‘Let’s Build a House’. We launched this new book by firstly going outside, taking full advantage of the sunny weather, and they used natural materials to build a house. The children had to include walls, a r


In Science, Year 3 have begun learning about magnets and their magnetic fields. This week, they have carried out two investigations. During the first, they tested a range of materials to find out which were magnetic and which were non-magnetic. The next day, they used different types of magnets and


This week, Year 6 have started to do some Geography work based upon Pompeii and the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79. They enjoyed researching what causes volcanic eruptions and then used an atlas to locate volcanoes around the world. We then began to focus on Pompeii and what it was like prior to the e


This half term in English, Year 5 are using a video entitled ‘Ride of Passage’ as a stimulus; it follows Toki – a boy living in a tribe in the rainforest – while he grapples with the idea of hunting animals to gain honour and respect from his tribe members. The video has no dialogue, only music and


In Art this term, Year 2 have been learning all about patterns. First, we learnt three different techniques to tie-dye. The patterns these created were spots, stripes and spirals. The children tried all of these techniques on a small bit of fabric. They had to roll, pinch or twist the material and t


As out topic this half term has focussed around South America and the Amazon Rainforest, the children in Year 5 have looked at ethical and sustainable sourcing of ingredients as part of their DT work. They were very interested in learning about the effects and impacts of using palm oil, and are eage