Year 6 had a pleasant surprise this week when the ice-cream van arrived playing its tune on the yard. Exact Education Supply Company had contacted school about visiting to reward the Year 6 children for their hard work and as a treat before they leave primary school. It was certainly welcomed by t
During Computing lessons this half term, the children in Year 5 have been focussing on programming, primarily using Scratch to help them develop their coding skills. The children were given a brief: design an interactive quiz using the program. They conducted thorough research into their chosen topi
Year One have been extremely busy this week learning to count all the way up to 50. The children enjoyed counting forwards and backwards and also learnt how to write the numbers down in digit form. During the week, the children were able to use counting equipment such as counters and tens and ones t
As further restrictions are lifted in England from Monday 17th May, we hope that this will be another cautiously positive step towards society returning to normal. Nevertheless, as you will be aware from recent news, any easing of restrictions must be done with great care and consideration of new
Please find attached the home learning for Year 2 for this week. All of the resources needed are provided below. If you need any help or support with this work, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher via Class Dojo and they will respond as soon as possible. English Monday – Reading comp
The children in Nursery have taken a great interest in minibeasts and this week in particular we have been looking for ladybirds! Together we have enjoyed making playdough ladybirds by adding black beans to the their backs and we have made ladybird art work, carefully counting spots onto their backs
This week in Reception we have been exploring healthy eating and what it means to be healthy. The children talked about how we can be healthy by drinking water, eating less sugary foods and keeping our bodies healthy through exercise. We have read the story ‘The Enormous Turnip’ as our focused t
Over this half term in Computing, Year 4 have been using the application FMSLogo to program a screen turtle to draw simple shapes and letters. We have been creating snippets of code and then will be putting them together to form longer algorithms. Of course at first it went wrong and the turtle wo
In Computing, Year Two have been using Chrome Music Lab to create their own musical patterns. The children explored how they could adapt their pattern by adjusting the tempo (the pace of the music) and the instrument used. Some of the children chose to create a repeating pattern while others used th
Linking to the fractions work Year 5 have been undertaking recently, this week we have begun working on decimals! We started by looking at fractions with denominators of 10 or 100, and how we can turn these into fractions, which we found really easy! After that we looked at denominators such as 25 a