The boys and girls have enjoyed learning about bees this week! We read ‘The Very Greedy Bee’ and talked about the bee in the story and whether he should have been so greedy! The children enjoyed making bee puppets, making delicious honey sandwiches and painting buzzy bees. We have planted flowers in
This week, the children in Year 4 have tried their hardest to improves their fitness and athletics skills during their P.E. lessons. The children have enjoyed completing different circuits of activities that included different athletic techniques in the hall and on the school field. In particular, t
As part of our Rainforests topic, the children have been focussing on the continent of South America as part of their Geography lessons. Atlases were used to establish the location of South America within the world; the children then found and named each of the countries, along with it’s capital c
Over the next term both Year 5 and 6 will be taking part in a variety of fire based activities. Whether preparing food, cooking, learning fire safety or fire lighting, it is important that the children are involved in setting these areas up. This gives them a sense of ownership and responsibility. A
The next round of testing as part of the Covid-19 Study will take place on May 5th – 7th. This continues our participation in the essential work being undertaken to learn as much as possible in relation to this pandemic. Harlow Green has been seen as a great example of how a school can be involved
This year, as a school, we are taking part in the Royal Mail Heroes Stamp Design Competition. Millions of key workers have kept the country going when many others were told to stay home and there have been many people who volunteered to help in their communities. Royal Mail wants to honour them by p
This week in Reception, we have been learning all about St George’s Day and celebrating the Queen’s birthday. As part of our theme we learnt all about the country that we live in. We read a great story called ‘Me on The Map’ by Joan Sweeney which introduced the basic concept of using a map. We
In Nursery this week, we have been learning about mini-beasts. We started to look at spiders! We read Aargh Spider and Spider Sandwiches. The children enjoyed making spiders, counting spiders and hunting for spiders outdoors. We learnt that being a spider was lots and lots of fun. Article 28 – We al
In Year 2, we have started reading our new book in English. But, to find out what our new book is, we went on a hunt around the school to find clues! The first clue led us to the pond as our story is set in the sea. Our second clue told us that our book was about a tiny creature who wanted an advent
In Science, the Year One children have learnt what a plant is and discussed the different kinds of plants that they can see around them. All of the children went outside, onto the field, to investigate different plants that they could find. They were given a sticky cardboard strip to attach a va