If your child is absent from school due to isolation (or for other reasons) they should access work from the timetable below. Whichever day your child is not in school, these are days your child should access. Some activities have links which will direct you to web pages whilst other work will rel
If your child is absent from school due to isolation (or for other reasons) they should access work from the timetable below (click on the link to find the timetable). Whichever day your child is not in school, these are days your child should access. Some activities have links which will direct y
This week in our Forest School the children were asked to create nonsense poems and then share them in a variety of ways. Before going outside, we read some well known hedgehog poems and discussed the humour often found in this type of verse. We looked at where the rhyming words often sit in a verse
If your child is absent from school due to isolation (or for other reasons) they should access work from the timetable below (this is a link, not a photo!). Whichever day your child is not in school, these are days your child should access. Some activities have links which will direct you to web p
If your child is absent from school due to isolation (or for other reasons) they should access work from the timetable below. Whichever day your child is not in school, these are days your child should access. Some activities have links which will direct you to web pages whilst other work will rel
As we finish the term, we see the days lengthening and the sunshine putting a little more spring in people’s steps; the increase in optimism is clear and welcomed. We all understand that the whole of our community has been living through a difficult period which will eventually be one for the hi
It has been great to have all of our children back in class over the last four weeks, and they have settled back into the school routine brilliantly! They are however, ready for a well-earned Easter holiday where they can now enjoy spending time with more of their family and friends. This week in sc
The children in Nursery have really enjoyed exploring Easter this week learning the true meaning of Easter as well as looking at bunnies, chicks, eggs, and nests. We have also created some beautiful Easter crafts and cakes. We were very lucky that the Easter Bunny took a visit to the Nursery early,
This week, both in school and at home, the children have been participating in lots of Easter activities. We have been so impressed with the children’s eggs-squicite Easter eggs, egg-cellent Easter bonnets and egg-stravagent Easter drawings, which they have made as part of their Home Learning this w
This week in Reception we have celebrated the festival of Easter and looked at the season of Spring. We have looked at different forms of new life which happen in Spring like new born chicks and lambs. We have learnt about the meaning behind Easter and read the story of Easter. The children had a ba