If your child is absent from school due to isolation (or for other reasons) they should access work from the timetable below (this is a link, not a photo!). Whichever day your child is not in school, these are days your child should access. Some activities have links which will direct you to web p
The children in Nursery have enjoyed exploring the theme of SPRING this week both in Nursery and at home. We have been on a spring walk and looked for signs of spring as well as discussing animals we may see, flowers, and new life being born. The nursery children have planted their own sunflower see
Dear parents/carers, Please see the attached letter from Alice Wiseman (Director of Public Health for Gateshead) and Steve Horne (Director for Education, Schools & Inclusion) that is being shared by all schools with their families.
This week, Year Two have been learning how to use the column method to add two two-digit numbers. The children learned that they should always add the ones digits first (e.g. 57 + 12) and then the tens. Later in the week, things became a little trickier as the children had to learn how to exchange.
Over the past fortnight, Year 5 have been undertaking Art lessons during our afternoon slots. This work has focussed around Islamic style art, and the children researched and drew their own Geometric patterns (which got very confusing, but ended up looking beautiful!). The children then designed the
In geography, Year 3 have been exploring the UK through an atlas. After recalling the four countries which make up the UK; England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the boys and girls then learned about counties and the location of our school. They enjoyed searching for Tyne and Wear in an atla
In Year 6, the children have been learning about the Passover Festival. They have enjoyed learning about Moses and the plagues that were sent upon Egypt, resulting in the final plague where death of the first born son passed over the doors of the Jewish households, which were marked by lambs blood.
In English, we have been looking at using an apostrophe for possession. The classes have spent time learning how to use an apostrophe to show that something belongs to a singular or plural noun. They have had the opportunity to identify when and why an apostrophe has been used and have written some
This week, Reception have continued to explore new zones of our EYFS outdoor area. They have enjoyed exploring moving water with our new hill water feature and water chutes. They have also been busy planting Spring flowers and camping in our forest area and looking for fairies and pixies in our
Our commitment towards the health of our children as they have returned to school means that all of their PE sessions start or contain some fitness and high intensity exercise. Playtimes and lunchtimes are also a fantastic opportunity for them to enjoy getting outside and having fun whilst learning