

This week, the children have enjoyed learning about the Jewish holiday of Purim. It commemorates the time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved by a Jewish woman named Esther. We had a virtual visit from Mr Glickman who shared the story of Esther with the children and explained how Jewi


The children have had so much fun in their first week back at school.  This week we introduced our new English text – Meerkat Mail.  It all started with a safari hunt around the school field.  Everyone made a safari name badge and some children even chose to make some binoculars in their choosing


This week, Year 5 have been looking at Islamic style art, linking to our work on Islam and the ancient city of Baghdad earlier in the term. The children learned about the main types of Islamic style art, before being given different examples of geometric art and deciding what they liked about them,


This week, children and staff have had a fantastic time catching up with one another. Everyone has shown a great attitude and enjoyed getting back into the routine of the school day. Well done- we are very proud of you! On Thursday, both classes loved their P.E. lessons of either hockey or tennis ou


This week, Year 6 have been intrigued by their new English book ‘Varmints.’ Often, people feel that picture books are for younger children, but this is definitely not the case. There is so much inference that can be gained from this book and the children have enjoyed making predictions about the cha


Thank You Firstly, I would like to thank all families for their work and sacrifice during the last two months.  It has been a challenging time for many reasons but parents/carers having to balance work and other pressures with Home Schooling, for a second time, has been hard.  Thankfully, we are o


If your child is absent from school due to isolation (or for other reasons) they should access work from the timetable below. Whichever day your child is not in school, these are days your child should access.  Some activities have links which will direct you to web pages whilst other work will rel