

Please find attached the home learning for Year 5 for the following week. All of the boards and resources needed are provided below. If you need any help or support with this work, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher via Class Dojo and they will respond as soon as possible. Keep safe


Please find attached the Home Learning for Year 4 for this week. Class Meets – We look forward to seeing everyone again on Tuesday and will use the same link that was sent to you last week on Monday 22nd.  This week – bring your pet!  Every week the children are desperate to tell us about their pe


Please find attached the home learning for Year 2 for this week. All of the resources needed are provided below. If you need any help or support with this work, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher via Class Dojo and they will respond as soon as possible. On Thursday and Friday, we wi


Please find attached the home learning for Year 6. It is World Book Day on Thursday and we are going to be doing our World Book Day activities across Thursday and Friday – as an end to this period of home learning before we welcome you back into school on Monday 8th March. It will be called ‘World B


Good morning, Please find attached the home learning schedule for Year 1 for this week. Please find there are two schedules to follow as phonics has a separate timetable. All of the boards and resources needed are provided below. In English this week, we are having a nursery rhyme week where we wi


Please find attached the home learning for Year 3 for this week. All of the boards and resources needed are provided below. The activities on Thursday and Friday are linked to our focus text for World Book Day – The Lion by Roald Dahl. Please feel free to adapt, change or come up with your own fun i


Welcome back after half term! Please find attached the Home Learning for Year 4 for this week. Class Meets – We look forward to seeing everyone again on Tuesday – please check your email tonight as we have changed the groups round a bit so ensure you sign in with the link with date 23rd February.