

We have come to the end of week nine and another half term. Phew! As always, we have thoroughly enjoyed reading your writing activities this week. You have used your wonderful imaginations to think of some fantastic things to take to space, including: a blanket, an oxygen tank, a space helmet, some


The children in EYFS have had another busy week home learning and enjoying the beautiful weather. A few children have been invited to virtual birthday parties on zoom that sound like they have been very successful and not nearly as messy for the party hosts!  We have also heard that lots of childre


Well, for some of you that’s another half term completed at home! For others, it’s been a half term of coming into school, making new friends and discovering new talents! We’re incredibly proud of you all and we can see how hard you’ve all been working (both at home and at school). Because May half


Another week of home learning completed and it is brilliant to see so many of you engaging in the writing tasks that have been set. We have thoroughly enjoyed reading your setting descriptions and some were incredibly eerie when describing abandoned and empty places. It is also lovely to hear about


Unbelievably, the first half of the summer term has come to an end. Next week, we hope you take some time to relax and enjoy the sunshine.  Because it is half term, we will not be setting tasks on Mathletics and we will not be setting a writing task on Monday (although please feel free to still use


Thank you to everyone for their hard work over this last half term, the effort the parents and carers are putting in to supporting children at home is amazing, and the fact we are still getting so much work in, pictures, emails and messages on Reading Plus is fantastic. This week the writing was a n


Can you believe that’s the first summer term over?! Tomorrow marks the beginning of May half term. We hope you spend next week relaxing and taking a break from home schooling! As such, we will not be setting tasks on Mathletics and we will not be setting a writing task on Monday (although please fee