

If your child is absent from school due to isolation (or for other reasons) they should access work from the timetable below. Whichever day your child is not in school, these are days your child should access.  Some activities have links which will direct you to web pages whilst other work will rel


If your child is absent from school due to isolation (or for other reasons) they should access work from the timetable below. Whichever day your child is not in school, these are days your child should access.  Some activities have links which will direct you to web pages whilst other work will rel


If your child is absent from school due to isolation (or for other reasons) they should access work from the timetable below. Whichever day your child is not in school, these are days your child should access.  Some activities have links which will direct you to web pages whilst other work will rel


If your child is absent from school due to isolation (or for other reasons) they should access work from the timetable below. Whichever day your child is not in school, these are days your child should access.  Some activities have links which will direct you to web pages whilst other work will rel


If your child is absent from school due to isolation (or for other reasons) they should access work from the timetable below. Whichever day your child is not in school, these are days your child should access.  Some activities have links which will direct you to web pages whilst other work will rel


In RE, we have been learning all about why Christians celebrate advent. We learnt that the word ‘advent’ means to count up or the arrival of something. In churches, they celebrate advent by using advent wreaths. These are wreaths that contain 5 candles. Each of the candles represent something differ


In RE this term, year 4 have been learning about places in the world that are of special importance to Christians. The children were able to share their own special places and explain why they are important to them. They then found out about why different places around the world are so important to


The children were so excited this week, to assemble their pop-up  Santa in Design and Technology.  Firstly, everyone looked at their designs from last week and decided if they could improve them in any way.  Next the boys and girls carefully coloured in a chimney and Santa template.  They were