Applying some of their experience from last weeks den building session, Year 6 created miniature Anderson Shelters, linking to their current topic of World War 2. It was interesting to see the different ways the children approached this task, starting with a simple framework and building from there.
This week, the children have been learning all about Henri Matisse. They learnt about his life and how he was inspired to become an artist. Year Two recreated one of Matisse’s most famous pieces of artwork – The Snail – using collage. Using the same technique, the children created an additional piec
Year 4’s science topic this half term has been all about sound. The children have had lots of fun exploring how sounds are made using instruments and everyday objects. They loved being able to make as much noise as they wanted in a lesson, for once! The children have observed how sounds are made whe
Everyone in Year One enjoys their daily phonics lesson. Every day the children learn a new sound, practise their letter formation and have a go at reading some green words. Learning to read our green words quickly and by sight also helps us to read our reading books, both at school and at home.�
This week, Year 3 began their art topic – printing. They had great fun exploring different textures using inks and rollers. The boys and girls made predictions about the types of patterns the materials and objects would make and then compared their results. They enjoyed looking at each others prints
This half-term, the children have enjoyed using Tinkercad to produce 3D models. they have learnt how to resize, move, rotate and group objects to produce models of different 3D products. Last week, they designed a pencil pot (complete with pencils) and this week they have created photo frames. Artic
This week, the children in Year 6 have been introduced to the long division written method. This is one of the most complicated maths methods as it involves doubling and halving, multiplication, subtraction, addition and of course division. Initially, there were a few furrowed brows and worried expr
Year 6 are getting back into the swing of their Forest School sessions, they made the most of the Autumn weather to build some amazing shelters. Apart from the sheer creativity of the task, natural den building benefits the children in many ways. This week the dens had to be free-standing, use only
As part of out Art unit of work this half term, Year 5 children have begun studying batik. They learnt all about what batik is, where it originated and what the process involves. This afternoon, they have looked at pictures by a wide range of artists who specialise in batik, and a there was a great
Friday 16th October is World Food Day. World Food Day is a day of action against hunger because when it comes to hunger, the only acceptable number in the world is zero. World Food Day celebrates the creation of the Food and Agriculture Organisations of the United Nations. As Harlow Green is Silver