

As we come to the end of this academic year, Mr Hollingworth, Mrs Old and Mrs Blinkhorn wanted to pass on our fond farewells to our fantastic year group and wish you all a safe and pleasant summer.  We will see you all again soon and be able to hear your stories and tales of what you have been up t


We can’t believe that the end of the school year has arrived!  You have worked so hard, learnt so much and got so grown up. It was lovely to see some of the reception children, last Friday, who came to school to wave a last goodbye to reception class, and it will not be long before the rest of us w


We are at that time again when there are staffing changes with some moving on and others starting their time with us. Leaving staff After 5 years of supporting many children across the school, Mrs Morris will be leaving at the end of term.  Mrs Morris, who is currently working in Year 3, has taugh


Wow, here we are at the end of Year 3! Although the year started off so wonderfully, sadly it feels as though our time together has been cut short due to the unfortunate circumstances. We want to thank you again for keeping us in the loop and showering us with photographs from home, as well as prais


Can you believe we’ve reached the end of Year 5?! It’s been a strange year, but we’ve loved it (and hope you have too). We have enjoyed getting to know each of you individually, and learning about all of your quirks, hobbies and habits. We’re so proud of all of the work you’ve put in this