

It is great to see that everybody has been keeping busy and finding ways to learn and have fun at home.  We have been so impressed to see so many children completing activities from our home learning topic webs.  Take a look at the great photos of these activities including planning and having ted


Thank you for supporting your children at home during these last two weeks and e-mailing all of your lovely work to the Year One teachers.  It has been great to see the amazing activities they have been doing.  The children have been writing instructions and stories,  practising their phonics, ga


We have been missing all of you in school again this week – your smiling faces, your stories and general enthusiasm for all of the challenges we set you! That’s why it has been so fantastic to receive your messages and photographs this week, of the amazing things you have been getting up to at home


Wow, another week of home learning has flown past and you have all been inundating us with wonderful pictures of your creative home learning activities. We’ve been missing you all at school but we love getting to see what you’ve been up to, and you’ve been giving us lots of ideas that we can try our


Another week without school, but another one where you have all been getting up to amazing things at home with your families and loved ones. What a creative bunch you are! Many of you accepted the challenge of building your own floating boat, while others have made a pencil pot, giant snake, book, m


It has been strange being in school without you all the last couple of weeks; a school without children is simply a building. Although we nag you all the time about the volume, we are really missing the noise, hustle and bustle of having you in the classroom – even when we say hello to you each morn


Another strange week at school, but another fantastic one! While everyone at school has been making Easter pom poms and perfecting Tik Tok dances (as well as keeping up with online learning!), it looks like everyone at home has been keeping their spirits up and having a great time too! Although the


As we are coming to Easter, children will start expecting to reduce school work but will need occupying, especially if we are still isolating in our homes. To support families at home over the next two weeks, we are setting an optional Easter Bingo Challenge. The aim is to look at the activities sug