This half term, the children have been using their body parts to compose music. They explored different parts of their bodies to find out which created the best sound. The children used their hands, shoulders, feet and knees to create a sequence of body percussion. The aim of the unit was to create
The children in Reception were very excited this week, to welcome a new visitor to our classroom. Mr Bones made a rare trip out of the science cupboard to help us to learn all about our skeleton. The children were fascinated to meet him and asked lots of questions. They learnt that we have 206
In Nursery we plan around ‘children’s interests’ as well as a topic, however the children had a big interest in talking about their families and themselves which linked into our theme of ‘My World and Me’. We have had a week discussing ‘families’ and based this around the stories of �
This week in Maths, the boys and girls have been learning about position and direction. They began by using vocabulary such as forwards, backwards, left and right. They then progressed on to describing turns using clockwise and anticlockwise. To put their new skills to the test, they were challenged
Year one have been learning all about colours this week in art. Firstly they learnt that red, yellow and blue are primary colours and they coloured in and labelled a colour wheel. Next, the children enjoyed investigating what happens when you paint with primary colours. They used the rim of a
Year 6 have been working extremely hard with their writing over the last week. They have been focussing on expanding noun phrases, using colons to explain and correctly punctuating speech. They have been reading the book Friend or Foe and predicted what might happen when one of the boys, David, was
Our Nursery children have been reading Stick Man this week, to help them to learn about families. After reading the story they went outside into our Forest School with Miss Rowe and collected some good sticks. These were brought back to nursery to make into stick people which they could take home. A
Stick Safety is a vital part of the children’s Forest School journey. In the willow house we encouraged the children to work out the best way to maneuver the materials. They then practiced in a circle watching each others techniques and making any changes. Once that was completed the children were s
In Maths over the last two weeks we have been exploring formal methods for adding and subtracting. We always start with counters, so we can see where we have to carry numbers or exchange. Using ‘concrete’ materials helps the children visualise the calculation, before we move onto doing them with
In maths, the children have been learning how to count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10. They have been finding the total of an amount, completing number lines and solving problems. Year Two had to put their knowledge to the test in a competitive game of Snakes and Ladders. However, the tricky part was t