

With the rapid increase of COVID-19 cases and the implementation of new national and local expectations and restrictions, it is appropriate for us to revisit the systems we have in place which have been planned to support access to our school site to be as safe as possible. Firstly, I would like to


Year One went back in time this week.  We learnt all about fossils and how they can help palaeontologists learn about the lives of dinosaurs.  They even found out about a special kind of fossil called an ammonite.  Everyone had a go at making a fossil out of salt dough.  They had to roll it into


This week at Nursery we have been talking about ourselves, things we like and don’t like, also our favourite toys. The children loved sharing their photos from their home learning about things they love to do at home. We have also been looking at feelings this week, our main story has been ‘The


As part of our topic ‘There’s no place like home!’, year 4 have been learning about the Viking invasion of Britain. They have identified where the Vikings came from, the parts of Britain that they invaded and explained the reasons why they came. They then used their mathematical skills to order sign


This term, Year Two have been developing their skills in Football or Basketball, as well as Yoga. Miss Norman’s class have been practising their dribbling skills and are progressing to passing the ball with control. Miss Bull’s class have been practising their bounce and chest passes in Basketball.


This week we have been starting the history part of our topic thinking about World War Two. The children have considered the causes of the war and were surprised to learn that there were several different causes not just Hitler and Germany. Even more surprising, was the role the British had in causi


This week in Reception, we have started to talk about our topic for this term, ‘Marvellous Me’.  The children have been keen to tell their friends about themselves and they have really been getting to know each other.  In our creative area, we have been painting self portraits.  We talked about f


This week in Computing, Year 3 were faced with the question ‘Can a picture move?’ They were introduced to the term animation and enjoyed discussing animations they had watched. Afterwards, the boys and girls had great fun learning how to create their own flip book animations to make a stick man wave


The children have been so excited to start learning about our Forest School and certainly weren’t put off by the wet Autumn weather. Each week we will get to know the different areas around our site. This week, into the woodlands, with a detour for jumping in muddy puddles. Learning about how we man


In our PSE lesson, Year 2 have been talking about friendship, how we can communicate our openness to others, even if there is a language barrier. We began with a short film showing greetings used around the world. We discussed how the current situation  with Covid 19 has changed how we interact wit