It has been a real pleasure to welcome our new children to Reception Class this week. We have been so impressed with how well they have settled in and already began to make new friends. The children that have moved up from our Nursery, have been helping their new friends to learn the rules and r
Year four have had a fantastic first week back at school! Mr Hollingworth, Mrs Old, Mrs Blinkhorn and Mrs Batey are so proud of how well they have settled into their new routines, and the calmness and maturity they have shown. The children have clearly enjoyed catching up with their classmates and g
Year 5 have had a fantastic first week back in school – we can’t believe that it’s been so long since everyone was together! Although we understand that some children were perhaps a little anxious after such a long time away, it has been wonderful to see them happy and settled back in the classroom.
Year 3 have had a great first week back. The children have loved spending time in their new classrooms, seeing their friends and meeting their teachers. They have created some wonderful work for our classroom displays all about themselves and their individuality. We have been really impressed with t
Year One have had an amazing first week in their new classroom. Understandably, they were all nervous to return but they have adapted quickly just like the superstars they are. This week they have had the opportunity to become acquainted with their new classroom environment. Some have visited ou
This week, we were excited to welcome back all of Year 2! For some of you, it’s been quite a long time since you were in school and for others its been 7 weeks, but you have settled in wonderfully and are beginning to show us your unique personalities. We have been learning about the four seasons of
Year 6 have had a brilliant first week at school; getting to know their new teachers and re-acquainting themselves with their classmates. We know that there was probably some trepidation on Monday night – from parents and children – about what school would be like, but the week could not have been m
To support the 1-way system, we have amended the route for parents/carers in relation to collecting Year 5 ^ 6 children from the MUGA. Parents and carers should enter through the gate on the main yard and leave via the gate at the play area (marked with signs). Yellow arrows around the outside show
Firstly, on behalf of all our staff, I would like to say how lovely it was to have children back in school. Having children smiling and conversing with each other and with adults is what we work in school for. The children settled wonderfully into their classes and impressed their teachers great
As parents/carers will understand, last year’s Reception cohort did not complete the Early Years curriculum and this will have an impact on how we must support their start in Year 1. In the normal course of transition to Year 1, children do not move immediately onto the National Curriculum and the