Another week of home learning is complete, the first of the last half term of this academic year. Time really does seem to be flying by. Once again, we are really pleased to see the children working hard on Reading Plus, Mathletics and TT Rockstars. This week several children in year 5 have moved
Unbelievably, we are now at the end of our eleventh week of home learning and the first week of the final summer half term. Where has the time gone? It seems that time flies when you keep yourselves as busy and have as much fun as you are all continuing to do. We hope you all had a fantastic half te
Well, we have completed the first week of the final half term of this academic year. Only 6 more weeks to go until the summer holidays. All of the teachers continue to be amazed and proud of all of the home learning activities taking place. We look forward to all of your weekly emails. Thank
This week marked the first week of our second Summer term. We hope you had a lovely half term! It has been lovely to see your fantastic acrostic poems for your weekly writing task, you’ve clearly worked hard on them! This week, we’ve had 3 silver and 8 bronze certificates earned on Mathletics and 5
As we approach another weekend, we are excited to share again all of the things you have been getting up to. We have been blown away by the number of you who have thrown yourselves in to the writing task and have been extremely pleased to hear that you enjoyed researching your famous person – Andy M
Yet another week has passed and for some of you this may have been your last week learning from home. For those of you who will be returning to school next week, we look forward to seeing your smiling faces and hearing all about the fun activities you have entertained yourselves with during lockdown
Task – Poetry With all this fantastic sunshine we’ve been having, we thought we’d use it to inspire our writing this week. Your task is to create an acrostic poem about summer or something to do with the sun! We’ve included some templates which might inspire you to choose your vertical word (but fee
Task – Writing a non-chronological report Write a fascinating and informative non-chronological report about one of your favourite animals. You can research interesting facts about your chosen animal, or even create your own imaginary animal – the more unusual it is , the more interesting it will
As families will know, due to various concerns, Gateshead schools made a collective decision to delay the wider reopening of schools beyond the priority children until Monday 8th June, at the earliest. With the current information coming out at the end of last week, it very much appears that this
Task – Balanced Argument This week, your writing challenge is to write a balanced argument about whether families should visit the beach during lockdown. As restrictions of lockdown reduced a little, many people have taken the opportunity to visit our beautiful coastline. Whilst some think this is