

English In English, we will spend two days reading and comprehending the text, one day on the grammar focus and two days planning, writing and editing a text. Text – Story writing – The Tunnel The Tunnel Story Grammar Adverbs- An adverb is simply a word that describes a verb (an action or a doing w


English In English, we will spend two days reading and comprehending the text; one day on the grammar focus and two days planning, writing and editing a text. Text – Diary Entry Share the story of Little Red Riding Hood together: Story Then read: Diary of Little Red Riding Hood Comprehension Diary o


English In English, we will spend two days reading and comprehending the text; one day on the grammar focus and two days planning, writing and editing a text. Text – Newspaper Article This week, we will be looking at the Shakespeare story of ‘Macbeth’ and then writing a newspaper article based up


English In English, we will spend two days reading and comprehending the text; one day on the grammar focus and two days planning, writing and editing a text. Text – narrative: Orpheus and Eurydice Orpheus and Eurydice reading comprehension Comprehension Orpheus and Eurydice questions Orpheus and Eu


English In English, we will spend two days reading and comprehending the text; one day on the grammar focus and two days planning, writing and editing a text. Comprehension Text – Poem – At the seaside In addition to the comprehension, there is an optional vocabulary sheet to complete. At the seas


English In English, we will spend one day reading and comprehending a text; one day on spelling, one day completing a short writing activity and one day focusing on Lexia. Reading and Comprehension – A Magical Muddle Share the story with your child. Then, discuss the questions from A Magical Muddl


The week we are learning about mini-beasts! We would like you to listen to the story ‘The Very Busy Spider’ by Eric Carle. This can be found  below.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wYNnnbqeQE Writing Ideas: In the story, the spider spins her web and waits to catch flies. What else do you kn


Welcome to the end of your thirteenth week of home learning! We are all very proud of how hard you have been working, and pleased to see the wonderful variety of activities you are doing at home to keep yourselves busy. Of course, we will be seeing many of you in school on Wednesday next week as we


As another week draws to a close, it’s hard to believe that some of us have been learning from home for almost 13 weeks now. Once again, you have shown us just how dedicated and hard-working the children of year 5 are and you should all be proud of your efforts over these last weeks. It has been a