

In maths this week, the children helped to count out different amounts of dog biscuits to feed the dogs.  They worked out the numbers that they didn’t recognise by counting the corresponding number of dots on the pieces of numicon.


We are absolutely gripped by our new book – When The Mountains Roared! Here we are recording our VLOGS about how we abandoned home in Australia and fled to India! Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education.


Year 6 have been practising their fraction and decimal equivalents. The children had the opportunity to convert fractions and decimals while playing a ‘loop cards game.’ They had to use known equivalences and calculate less common ones in order to complete the game. The children responded well to th


Afternoon Nursery were treated this week to a music and movement session led by ‘Little Movers’.  The children loved taking part in the under the sea themed activities that helped to develop their gross motor skills, turn taking and listening skills and creativity.


This afternoon, the boys and girls in Year 2 have been experimenting with composing music using their bodies. They explored different parts of their bodies to find out which created the best sound. The children used their hands, shoulders, feet and knees to create a sequence of body percussion. The


In maths, the children in year 5 are learning to multiply numbers by a two digit number. They began by representing calculations with concrete apparatus. Following these activities, the children are now working on the formal method of long multiplication. Initially the children found this difficult


The children in year 5 have completed activities to introduce the new English text, ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell. To begin the unit of work, the children made predictions about the book based on different versions of the front cover. After reading the blurb, they then amended their prediction


The children in Year 2 have enjoyed reading a selection of books by the author Anthony Browne.  Last week they listened to the stories ‘Changes ‘, Willy the Wimp’ and ‘Things I Like’. They discussed each story and recorded their own opinion, giving a reason for their choice.  They will be reading


This week in Nursery, we have been busy setting up a new vet’s surgery role play area.  The children have been finding out about the role of a vet and the other staff that work in the surgery.  They have enjoyed pretending to be receptionists, pet owners and vets.