Task – Descriptive Writing Read A Monster Surprise. Using the words provided, write two sentences describing the monster from the story. You can either print off the sheet and write your sentences in the box provided or, if you do not have access to a printer, you can display a picture of the mons
I’m sure most of the nation watched the Prime Minister’s statement on Sunday evening wanting to understand the next steps that were to be implemented to support the country in the battle against COVID-19 whilst attempting to move forward as a society. From an education perspective, it was announced
On Friday 8th of May 2020, the majority of the country took time to celebrate VE Day. On this occasion, things were different from the usual anniversary of the day when Germany surrendered in 1945; firstly, this time the day marked the 75th anniversary of VE Day and, secondly, this was the first t
Dance has a significant part to play in improving the health and well-being of us all. Dance combines healthy physical activity, the engagement of the creative spirit, the promotion of emotional expression and encourages social interaction. In recent history, has there been a time when this has
This week, children in EYFS, were asked to complete a variety of activities linked to the story, ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. It is great to see that so many children have taken part and sent in photos of their hard work. We have also seen lots of other lovely home learning activities taking pla
Well, that’s the end of our seventh week of home learning, and ending with a bank holiday and sunshine! We hope you are spending today celebrating (and learning lots about about) VE Day! Send us pictures of all the ways you have decided to celebrate to [email protected] and look out for our s
We have come to the end of another jam-packed week of home learning and again we have enjoyed reading your emails and looking at your photographs. Baking and cooking still prove to be popular and feature again in this week’s photo gallery, as well as images of you all out and about on your daily exe
Another week of home learning, ending with a bank holiday where we hope that you have been able to enjoy the VE day celebrations at home. E-mails this week have really shown some impressive skills: making a carbon battery to power a clock is beyond what even your teachers have attempted to do and we
We have come to the end of another busy week of home learning in Year One. We hope you all have a fun day celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day with your families. Thank you for completing this week’s writing activity – Jack and the Beanstalk. Your teachers have been so impressed with your
Even though it has now been your seventh week at home, you are all still keeping yourselves busy with so many different and interesting activities. It is fantastic to still be receiving so many emails and photographs where you all look so happy and are enjoying this time with your families. We have