

The children in Reception had a brilliant time at their Christmas party yesterday! There was lots of dancing and some party games too. The children enjoyed a lovely party tea and got to meet the real Santa Claus who stopped by for a quick visit! It was a fantastic way to get in the festive spirit. A


Today, in Year 1 and 2 we celebrated in style! We played lots of party games including pass the parcel and musical statues. We also danced to some classic dance tunes including the Superman Song, the Macarena and the Conga! We all had a lovely time, and some lucky children even danced away with some


On Friday, our wonderful superstars in Years 1 and 2 performed Prickly Hay to two fantastic audiences. During the play, the boys and girls sang, danced and acted out the story of the birth of Jesus and reminded us why we celebrate Christmas. All of the children who took part in the play did so with


In DT, year 5 have been learning about different types of bridges ( linked to our topic  ‘The River of Life’). The children were tasked with researching , drawing and identifying key facts about bridges before designing their own bridge.  Children then used a variety of materials and joining techn


Year 6 have been learning about Judaism and the Sukkot Festival where Jews celebrate being the years they were in the desert before being led into the Promised Land. As part of this celebration, they build Sukkahs, which are temporary huts where they spend the week eating, praying and sleeping. The


Today was Reception’s time to shine as they performed the Wriggly Nativity. The children performed in the morning for grandparents and in the afternoon for parents day carers with both shows being fantastic. During the show, the boys and girls sang, danced and recited lines to present the story of t


In Year 2, the children have been studying collage.  They have enjoyed looking at some of his different work as well as finding out some facts about him and his background. These pictures show a lesson where the pupils studied one of his famous pieces called ‘The Snail’.  They made their own repre


On Friday, the children in Reception and Nursery had a fantastic treat. The story teller Chris Bostock came to share with us a story called ‘Starlight’. It was about a small possum that had been on a journey to find some crayfish for his ill mother. He met some very interesting characters on the way


Everyone had fun at the Toddler Group Christmas party.  The children and grown ups enjoyed taking part in Christmas craft activities, playing party games and dancing. We even had a special visit from Santa Claus himself! He had a sack full of presents for the girls and boys. At the end of the Chris