

Task – Newspaper Report Write a  fake newspaper report on something that has happened whilst you have been off – however I would like you to make it bigger and better and most probably fake!  Feel free to bring in some extra characters, events, add some fun things to it or exaggerate.  For exam


Task – Descriptive Setting This week, your challenge is to write two contrasting, descriptive settings. During lock down, many places that would normally be busy, have been quiet and empty. We would like you to choose a setting and describe it when there is nobody there and also when it is full and


Task – 10 Things I Would Take to Space Read Back to Earth with a Bump. Write a list of 10 items you might take with you if you ventured into space. You can either print off the sheet (10 Things I Would Take to Space.pdf) and write your list on the lines provided or, if you do not have access to a


This week, as inspiration for your writing task, we are asking you to watch a video on Literacy Shed. This will be used to form part of a short narrative piece of writing. Remember, it can be done in one sitting or over the course of a few days, it’s up to you! We will include guidance – as always –


Task- Informal letter You have won a dream holiday in the magical world of Story Land. You will stay in the Gingerbread Cottage and Mrs Witch will be your hostess (see Fairy Tale Holiday letter) Too good to be true? Think about what your holiday will be like. Will Mrs Witch be welcoming? Why? Think


Well we have now reached the end of week 8 of our home learning!  It is amazing to see the continued enthusiasm you have shown for home learning and all of the wonderful activities  you have been doing together as families.  We are so proud of your efforts and we know that your support will be of


We’ve come to the end of another week of home learning, and we continue to be impressed with all the hard work you have been completing! We always enjoy hearing from you and seeing pictures of your lovely, smiling faces so please keep it up! Email us at [email protected] We can see you have c