

As the lovely weather continues, it’s pleasing to see many of you still enjoying your daily exercise and making the most of the sunshine. We know from all of your wonderful photographs that there were lots of VE Day celebrations to end last week and want to say well done to those of you who complete


Another week of home learning and another week where you have made your teachers (and parents) proud with the effort that you have put in to your work. It has been especially pleasing to see so many of you engaging with the weekly writing task – look out for next week’s and let’s see how many of you


Well, that’s the end of our eighth week of home learning and its great to end it with some sunshine.  Yet again we have been receiving so many amazing pictures and stories from your time at home.  We’ve enjoyed looking at the many ways you have celebrated VE Day and the various ways you are keep


We have come to the end of another week of home learning and we are so proud to see and hear how hard you are all still working- well done! It is a real treat for us to hear from you all and we love the pictures and stories that you share with us- please keep sending them to us at – year 4@harlowgre


Well, another week has flown by, and yet again we’ve been inundated with lots of fantastic pictures, comments and stories from your time at home. We’re still missing you, but you’re all inspiring us with your amazing ideas of ways to keep busy; there’s a lot we think we might try out too! Please kee


We know that today you would have been looking forward (maybe) to SATs. We just wanted to share this poem with you as we are sure lots of you have some mixed feelings today. A Poem for Year 6 children – class of 2020 ???? ???? Today is the day that SATs would have started, The classroom set up and t


Task- Party Invitation Design a poster, inviting your friends and family to a VE street party. What I’m Looking For: an attractive, eye catching design persuasive language- think about how you will convince me to come to your party (see resources below)  the features of an invitation (see planning


Task – Non-chronological report This week, we thought it would be interesting for you to write about one of your interests. Choose a subject that you know a lot about, or one you would like to research, and then write a non-chronological report about it. If Mr Allen was doing this, he might write a


Task – Character Description Write a  detailed description of a character from your favourite story book. It could be Willy Wonka, Mildred Hubble (Worst Witch), Harry Potter or even Hiccup or Henry Finch from our English stories! There is an example of a description of a very well-known book char


During World Book Day this year, we read Aliens Love Underpants. So this week’s writing task is all about space and aliens! Remember your writing can be done over the course of a few days, or in one sitting – it’s up to you! We will include some help and an example of the writing we are looking