

It has been strange being in school without you all the last couple of weeks; a school without children is simply a building. Although we nag you all the time about the volume, we are really missing the noise, hustle and bustle of having you in the classroom – even when we say hello to you each morn


Another strange week at school, but another fantastic one! While everyone at school has been making Easter pom poms and perfecting Tik Tok dances (as well as keeping up with online learning!), it looks like everyone at home has been keeping their spirits up and having a great time too! Although the


As we are coming to Easter, children will start expecting to reduce school work but will need occupying, especially if we are still isolating in our homes. To support families at home over the next two weeks, we are setting an optional Easter Bingo Challenge. The aim is to look at the activities sug


There is now a huge amount of information on the Internet about how to keep safe and reduce the spread of Coronavirus but this can be hard to filter through, especially when it’s written down on page-after-page of text. With that in mind, here are three simple videos which will remind people about w


Well done everyone – we have seen you using Reading Plus, Times Table Rock Stars, Espresso, Mathletics and doing some amazing homework.  Plus – what a lovely week to get outside as much as you can! (Look out for our rainbow at school too if you are out (within current guidelines.) It has been wonde


Year One have been very busy this week enjoying a range of activities at home and making the most of the sunshine. The children have been spending time in the garden planting flowers, painting and even digging for dinosaur bones. They have been creating lots of amazing things including a desk tidy,