

Every Monday, we will be posting a writing task for Year 2 children to complete. The writing can be done over the course of a few days, or in one sitting – it’s up to you! We will include some help and an example of the writing we are looking for on here to get you started. You can send the finish


Over the last week, we have continued to enjoy receiving your emails and speaking to so many of you on the phone. it is interesting to hear how you are filling your time whilst in lock down and the new skills and activities that you seem to be enjoying so much. Your teachers are continuing to learn


It has been great looking at the photos of the amazing things EYFS have been doing this week at home.  Children have been enjoying the daily Read, Write Inc phonics lessons online and have followed this up working on their spelling and letter formation.  Some children have also been writing lists,


Well, we have made it to the end of April! It has been lovely to speak to the rest of you on the phone this week and we are glad to hear you are all keeping safe and keeping busy. We enjoyed listening to your stories about den building, gardening, looking after animals, cheering for the NHS and the


We can’t believe that we have completed six weeks of home learning already. Phew!  We continue to be overwhelmed with all of the amazing activities that you are doing at home.  It is lovely to see all of your enthusiastic work and smiling faces on your photos.  Please carry on sending your activi


Can you believe it’s May already? We’ve loved seeing all your exciting and imaginative work (and smiling faces!) over the last six weeks and this week has continued to impress us! Thank you to those sending in their pictures, please continue to do so over the next week to [email protected]. A


Already 2 weeks in to the new term and 6 weeks since we closed. It has been a really busy week and we’ve had dozens of emails and made calls to lots of you at home and it continues to be lovely to hear what you have been up to.  There is a clear focus on home learning since we came back after Easte


What a milestone: six whole weeks of home learning! The Year 5 team are incredibly proud of all of you, and we’re missing you very much; we can’t wait to see you (hopefully!) soon. We’ve loved seeing all of the photos you and your parents/carers are sending in, please keep it up ([email protected]