The Easter weekend is still with us and we hope that everyone has been having an enjoyable time. The weather has been a little mixed but there has been some sunshine which people could have taken advantage of whilst following the national message for keeping ourselves safe. I’m sure that there was
We all love a good tune! From our earliest years, through our formative teenage years and as some of us move into (and past!) middle age, our changing musical taste has been there for us to enjoy artists that speak to us in different ways. Recently, the power of music has been highlighted across t
The sun shone for the majority of this week and that allowed the children to do a little more outside. Although we still had the usual indoor games, a little bit of maths and reading work and some time on the Wii, there was also the chance for making some paste eggs and an Easter Egg Hunt.
Safeguarding our children during this period of school closure means that the school will work in slightly different ways. Regular contact with children is not possible for the vast majority and our ability to support on a day-today basis is restricted. Nevertheless, the school’s main policies a
And that is another week over! At times, days are flying over whereas at other times the days feel like an eternity. No matter how time is passing, what the staff at Harlow Green are definitely feeling now is that they are missing the children. They are missing the connection and the time spen
It is great to see that everybody has been keeping busy and finding ways to learn and have fun at home. We have been so impressed to see so many children completing activities from our home learning topic webs. Take a look at the great photos of these activities including planning and having ted
Thank you for supporting your children at home during these last two weeks and e-mailing all of your lovely work to the Year One teachers. It has been great to see the amazing activities they have been doing. The children have been writing instructions and stories, practising their phonics, ga
We have been missing all of you in school again this week – your smiling faces, your stories and general enthusiasm for all of the challenges we set you! That’s why it has been so fantastic to receive your messages and photographs this week, of the amazing things you have been getting up to at home
Wow, another week of home learning has flown past and you have all been inundating us with wonderful pictures of your creative home learning activities. We’ve been missing you all at school but we love getting to see what you’ve been up to, and you’ve been giving us lots of ideas that we can try our
Another week without school, but another one where you have all been getting up to amazing things at home with your families and loved ones. What a creative bunch you are! Many of you accepted the challenge of building your own floating boat, while others have made a pencil pot, giant snake, book, m