

This week the children have been splitting into small groups for welcome time.  They have enjoyed completing the group message board each day.  This consists of counting how many children are in the group, discussing the weather and learning what day of the week it is.  Staff also tell the childr


Since starting Reception, the children have thoroughly enjoyed going into the hall and having their lunch. They have been sampling lots of lovely dishes from our school menu and enjoying packed lunches brought from home. After washing their hands, they have been practising how to line up smartly in


In our first History block about the Vikings, the children have been learning about how long the Viking invasion and settlement of Britain lasted. They looked at key dates and events from the time of the first invasion in 787AD, up to when the Viking’s were finally driven out of England  in 1066AD


In maths this week, Year 4 have continued to work on place value. In particular, we have compared and ordered 4-digit numbers using the key concept that we start by looking at the digit in the thousands column. In pairs, we explored how many different 4-digit numbers can be made from placing 4 count


In Year 2 the children created some tremendous tipees for their squirrel friend. In class we looked at some photos of different communities around the world who live in dwellings like these, continuing our conversations about habitats and how the environment often dictates the kind of buildings we c


In their History lessons, Year 5 have been learning about key events that occurred during the Anglo Saxon period. The children identified significant facts including, when the Anglo Saxons first arrived in Britain, the Viking invasion of Britain and even when ‘Beowulf’ was originally written. Once


Today in Year 3, the children found and located Egypt on a map and enjoyed exploring artefacts. The boys and girls were very intrigued and created questions for us to investigate and explore throughout our topic. They are excited to return to and answer these questions once we have researched ancien