

This week, Mrs Blinkhorn and Mrs Old’s class have been lucky to work with Northern Printworks to produce posters promoting the World Transplant Games which are to be held in the North East this summer. They have learnt monoprinting techniques and created designs for laser cut stencils. They then use


This week in Year 1 we took advantage of nature to create some placement art. In class the children were asked; Can you create a repeating pattern using natural materials? This lead to a lively discussion around sorting, what different characteristics you may find in nature and how that may inform h


Year 2 have been having great fun learning how to sew. After learning about different types of stitch, they used the running stitch to sew their own initial. At times it was quite tricky but they all persevered and are really pleased with the end results. Well done! Article 29: We all have the right


The Reception children were lucky enough to have some sunny weather for our Sports Day. The children tried their best in all of the sporting activities on offer. This included a running race, a sack race, an egg and spoon race, an obstacle course and some great throwing activities. Everyone received


As part of our study into castles, Year 3 have designed and made their own flags. The children began by exploring patterns from around the world and used viewfinders to create detailed sketches. The next step was to dye their fabric, using a dip dye technique, to make their flag stand out. Then, the


Year 3 created a huge variety creatures using clay and natural materials. From spiders to llamas, ladybirds to Godzilla! The children then had to describe their creatures, their personality, where they live, what they might eat. Some very imaginative ideas, executed well. Article 28 – We all have th


Year 5 enjoyed their transition time with their new teachers. It was a chance to meet the people in their new class and find out a little bit about life in Year 6. They enjoyed the opportunity to play team games and challenges, which made them think about how to co-operate and communicate with each


Today,  4  children went with Mrs Blinkhorn to the Dryden Centre to take part in the Times Up Challenge against 11 other schools from Gateshead. We had a great time undertaking  six challenges based on multiplication and division facts for the times tables. We had to work together to complete the