Year 2 spent some time today in our wooded and grass area on the Key Stage One yard. They have been using their Forest school skills to create mini-dens and nests to help demonstrate to the younger children how to be creative with natural resources. They added little signs to help encourage the chil
As adults, we now have a-million-and-one questions but that also goes for our children. Today, staff will speak to the children and explain what is currently happening and what that will mean in the coming weeks. The presentation below will be used to be consistent with children across school to h
Today it was announced that schools across the country will close on Friday 20th March until further notice. It was also announced that schools will still be open for the children of key workers and some vulnerable pupils. As of yet, schools do not have any definitive detail about which families thi
Year One have been very busy taking part in lots of different sports activities. As part of Sports Relief, the children danced together to encourage fitness and fun. Everyone enjoyed following the different steps. Some children even had the energy to sing along as well! Also, some children had the o
From Monday 16th March, Government advice has changed once more: What does this mean for families and attendance at school? As a result of the updated advice, parents/carers should follow the national message below: Stay at home for 7 days if you have either: a high temperature (37.8 degrees or high
A meeting was held today for Year 1 parent/carers in relation to the changes for home reading books in Year 1. Below is the information which explains the process for parents/carers to ensure they can support their child access the reading material and, therefore, make rapid progress. If you would l
We understand that there will be children with virus symptoms in the coming weeks which may require them to be in isolation and, therefore, absent for two weeks (under new advice). We also know that parents/carers are conscious of the time being missed from school, especially when the children’s o
Pupils in Nursery supported Sports Relief today, by bringing in donations and wearing sports clothes. The children enjoyed taking part in a range of physical activities including, dancing to the official Sports Relief 2020 song; developing their fine motor skills by hammering nails into shapes to
Over the course of this week, Year 5 have taken part in various activities linking to Sports Relief. The children enjoyed skipping with Skipping Coach Liz, who taught them many skills and tricks to perform with a skipping rope. All children had good fun playing a skipping game that involved running
The children have enjoyed lots of sports this week, ready to celebrate Sports Relief. On Wednesday afternoon, Liz from Skipping Schools came to teach the whole school some skipping skills. In Reception, we enjoyed playing lots of different games with the ropes. First of all, we jumped, hopped and