

Last week, Year 5 got an insight into teaching when they undertook sports leadership with Year 1. They worked with staff from Joseph Swan Academy  to design a quick, five minute activity for students in Year 1, making sure they were staying active and having fun the whole time! All students worked


Mrs Blinkhorn and Mrs Old’s class were very lucky to have two sets of visitors on Friday in relation to the World Transplant games that are going to be held in the region this summer. In the morning, the class learnt about the important work regarding organ donation. In the afternoon, two local arti


As part of our study into Baghdad and Islam, Year 5 have been working hard to replicate the intricate patterns found on Islamic prayer mats. After drawing out our designs, we used thread and wool to stitch our patterns onto binca. We will be evaluating our work later this week. Article 29 – We have


This week, the children in Reception have been learning about positional language. To help them test out their new vocabulary, the children have been directing the bee bots to  different places. They enjoyed using the controls to move the bee bots in different directions, such as forwards,  backwa


In design and technology the children have designed and made a healthy packed lunch. This included a scrumptious sandwich and a fruit kebab. The children grated, cut and peeled all the ingredients themselves. Article 24: We all have the right to nutritious food.


The children in Year 2 have been working with money all week. Today, they completed a very tricky investigation. To be successful, they had to only use silver coins, only use 5 coins, work systematically and find all possibilities. Initially, the boys and girls found this a really difficult concept


During PE, in Year 3, the boys and girls have been developing their throwing skills. In athletics, the children have been competing to throw the furthest distance with Nerf rockets. In cricket and rounders, they have been learning how to aim, in order to hit a small target. The children worked hard


Year 6 enjoyed a trip to the Roman fort of Vindolanda. They were able to explore the ruins and discover what the different buildings had been used for. it was interesting to see a real archaeological dig taking place, where the first pair of Roman boxing gloves has been discovered. The children then