

In English, the boys and girls have thoroughly enjoyed looking at clues ad making predictions about our new class text.  One of those clues was a Stone Age necklace. The class had great fun using their listening skills to follow instructions to create their own. Shaping the clay was rather tricky!


In English, we took the opportunity to use the outdoor area to launch our new text. We are reading Skellig by David Almond and at the beginning there is a description of a garage that houses a strange creature – who soon becomes the central figure in the story. The garage is in a state of disrepair


We have had so much Christmas fun in Nursery this week! This week we enjoyed sharing our Nativity performance with all of our families. We sung all our songs, said our lines and did some fabulous walking in front of lots of adults. We were all very brave and hope we all made you very proud (our teac


What a fantastically festive week Year 5 have had, in the lead up to Christmas. We have made calendars, cards and baubles, watched a Christmas movie and even a pantomime. However, our favourite part of the week had to be our Christmas party. The children were full of festive cheer (and competitive s