

This week in Reception, we have taken delivery of some very special visitors. Five baby caterpillars have arrived. The children were so excited and are looking forward to watching them turn into beautiful butterflies. The Reception children have been learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly and k


This term, our topic in PE is tennis. Last week, we had an excellent time exploring our forehands and today we have been practising our backhands. We found this week a little more tricky but persevered and by the end of the lesson we were looking like the professionals! Next week we’ll be moving on


In Year 6, the children have started to look at the work of Henry Moore. They looked at his abstract sculptures of figures. they particularly enjoyed trying to name each of the sculptures – there were definitely some amusing ones!   Article 29 – We all have the right to develop our talents and


At Nursery, we have been learning what a seed needs to grow.  The children have planted their own flower and vegetable seeds both in pots and straight into the ground outside.  We are looking forward to watching our crops grow over the coming months.


This week, the nursery children have been interested in the pirates.  They have had great fun building their own pirate ships both outside and inside.  They have been using scissors to cut out their own pirate hats; made their own treasure maps and  went on a treasure hunt and then counted their


Year 2 have been developing their balances. This week they had a challenge of working with a partner to create a balance as well as balancing on a range of apparatus. Article 6: We all have the right to live and succeed at whatever we do.


In Year 3, the boys and girls have been looking at our local area and discussing rural and urban regions. The children were able to sort pictures and find rural and urban areas around us on a map. The children enjoyed stepping out into the local area to research how the land around us is used and wo


During a glorious summer afternoon at Cardinal Hume School, Harlow Green’s Year 3 tennis team’s training over the last year culminated in them competing in one of two Gateshead competitions. Over the three hours, the boys and girls were pitted against five other primary schools and played matches as