Each year our school takes part in the RSPB Big School Birdwatch. The children really look forward to this event, which will be carried out across school. Very strong winds has postponed things, but this week the weather cleared and we saw perfect bird-watching conditions. The children set themselve
In Science this term, Year 2 have been learning all about how animals (including humans) change as they grow. We have learned the names of adult animals and their young, how different animals have different life cycles and how to identify whether an animal is a mammal, amphibian, bird or reptile. Th
In Art, Year 3 have been experimenting with mixing paint. By adding white and black to primary colours, they produced their own colour strips of different tints and shades. The boys and girls moved on to explore tertiary colours with blue and yellow paint, to mix different tones of green. Using a ra
The children in Year 2 have enjoyed reading and writing instructions. They read instructions about how to build a snowman and then tried to draw their own. They also read the book ‘Silly Billy’ by Anthony Browne about a boy who uses worry dolls to help him get to sleep. The children made their
This week, pupils attending Code Club had fun programming the BBC Microbits to play notes on a banana keyboard. They created their code including variables and loops that was then downloaded to the Microbit and attached to a circuit containing bananas and a citrus fruit. They then tried out
Last week Year 2 took on the big physical challenge of the obstacle course, the aim not just to have fun and get fit, but to see if girls and boys approached the activity differently. The outcome being that the size of the child appeared to be the only ‘hurdle’. This week a change of pace with a whi
To celebrate Chinese New Year our nursery children learned about the Chinese Lion Dance. They watched some footage filmed in Hong Kong of the incredible acrobats performing the traditional dance. They had great fun, on a very windy day, dancing and playing instruments, their performance was filmed s
The Christmas tree challenge encourages the children to use their imaginations, skills and wider knowledge of the world to create a tableau. They can use any resources that they might find, the only restriction that that they must incorporate a Christmas tree into the scene (but it can’t be used as
After reading ‘The Magic Train Ride’, a story about a magic train which visits cake land, the children were very excited to make their own cupcakes. They used their mathematical skills to weigh out the ingredients. The children also had to follow instructions in the recipe to bake the cupcakes. They