In maths, the children in year 5 will be looking at area and perimeter for the next couple of weeks. To recap the children’s knowledge, they were challenged to work in groups to find the perimeters of rectangles and rectilinear shapes. Some of the shapes had missing dimensions, so the children had t
The children and residents enjoyed learning to create marbled paper this week. Using oil based inks suspended in water, cartridge paper was laid onto the surface and peeled off, giving some really beautiful results. The paper was then dried and will be used to make Christmas decorations over the c
The heavy rain brings some advantages, the soft ground being one. Year 2 took the opportunity, before this weekends predicted cold snap, to get some daffodil bulbs in the ground. Year 6 prepared the ground and the younger children placed in the bulbs, making sure the roots were pointing down. The ch
Year One have started to learn about Design and Technology. They investigated moving toys and books. The children discovered that some toys can be moved with a lever, whilst others can be wound up or pushed. They particularly enjoyed winding up the caterpillars and racing them across the floor. The
What an incredible start to Mission Christmas! Thank you to those who have kindly donated gifts already. For any of those needing a little inspiration, please check out the gift ideas. UNICEF Article 2: All children have these rights no matter of their circumstances.
In Geography this term the children in year 5 are studying rivers. Firstly, they researched the significant rivers in the world. The children were surprised to learn that although The Amazon is the largest, it is in fact The River Nile which is the longest. Once they had identified the names of sign
Our Rights Respecting Group have been celebrating children’s rights through joining with other Gateshead Primary Schools and their Rights Respecting Groups and celebrating World Children’s Day at the Baltic Gateshead. They designed and made a banner, learnt a Rights Respecting song, which they sang
Children in Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a visit from some of the Newcastle Eagles today. The players came in to run workshops on fitness, basketball, being positive and healthy eating. Throughout the sessions, the children were given stickers as rewards for their behaviour and attitude., which were an ince
In Year One the children have been learning to ask and reply to questions. They all had a go at hot seating – asking their friends and teachers questions and they even tried to start their questions in a variety of ways. Some children made their own question booklet and had to recognise whethe
At the beginning of the week, children received a visit from Metro Radio, to launch the Mission Christmas Appeal. The boys and girls enjoyed learning about how they can help others this Christmas and were clearly enthusiastic about supporting a local cause for children in the North East. More inform