

In maths this week year 5 have begun their block of work on fractions. Firstly, the children found equivalent fractions. To support their understanding of how to convert improper fractions to a mixed number, the children made models out of multi-link cubes and drew diagrams to represent them. At the


Our topic title for the Spring term is ‘Healthy Life, Happy Life!’ In Geography this term, we have studied rural Uganda and compared and contrasted this to life in Gateshead. The children have used images to explore schools in rural Uganda and used all of their learning to reply to a child from Ugan


Class 4a are really proud that two more members of our class have been awarded their pen licence. They took their books along to Mr Malik to show their high standard of handwriting across all subjects. Well done girls! Article 6. We all have the right to succeed at whatever we do.


Today the boys and girls were transported back to the Stone Age with Dr Jo. During the workshop, they explored cave painting and handled artefacts. The children enjoyed learning about life during this time and played a hunter gatherer game to find out about the sources of food available. Year 3 have


The children in Reception have enjoyed exploring our technology area this week. The children loved using the walkie talkies to talk to their friends. They could talk to each other in lots of different locations. They have also enjoyed exploring the metal detectors and finding out which materials are


In science, year 4 have been exploring how living things can be identified and grouped according to their characteristics. The children were asked to think of their own criteria, such as living on land or in water, to group different plants and animals using a Carrol diagram or Venn diagram. They th


The children in Reception have been very busy learning all about Chinese New Year. They have learnt about the Chinese Zodiac, painted Chinese dragons and threaded Cheerios onto pipe cleaners to make the body of the dragon. The boys and girls also made colourful Chinese dragon puppets and used them t


Year 4’s topic this term is Aiming High!  We are looking at how mountains formed and what better way than using vinegar, balloons, sand, tissue and Kit Kats! We made fault-block, dome, volcanic, fold and plateau mountains. Can you work out which is which? Article 28 – we have the right to a good qu


In Geography this week, the children in year 5 have been learning about South America. They located the continent on a globe before using atlases to find the names of the continents and their capital cities. Using iPads the children researched statistics for each of the countries, such as population