The children have been working on their scissor skills this week, when cutting out the tags to attach to pet collars. The children then chose names for the pets and wrote them on the collars.
Some of the children in Miss Bull’s class have enjoyed getting creative this term. They used collage materials to create Winter pictures in response to all the darkness in January. The following week they made red and gold money wallets after learning about Chinese New Year in assembly. They also wa
This term our class text is The Princess and the Pea. The children made a crown for the prince. They had to pretend to be the prince saying what he had a lot of but also showing his sadness at not being able to find a real princess to be his wife. The children have also enjoyed listening to a vari
In computing, Year One have been learning all about algorithms. They found out that an algorithm is a set of instructions used to solve a problem. The children had to find a box of treasure by firstly writing a set of instructions using the words forwards, backwards, turn, left and right. Then they
During computing, Year 3 have been learning how to use spreadsheets. The children began by collecting their own data about their favourite fruit and created a table using a spreadsheet program. The boys and girls generated pie charts and bar graphs using the data and were able to answer question
In maths this week, the children helped to count out different amounts of dog biscuits to feed the dogs. They worked out the numbers that they didn’t recognise by counting the corresponding number of dots on the pieces of numicon.
We are absolutely gripped by our new book – When The Mountains Roared! Here we are recording our VLOGS about how we abandoned home in Australia and fled to India! Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education.
Year 6 have been practising their fraction and decimal equivalents. The children had the opportunity to convert fractions and decimals while playing a ‘loop cards game.’ They had to use known equivalences and calculate less common ones in order to complete the game. The children responded well to th
Afternoon Nursery were treated this week to a music and movement session led by ‘Little Movers’. The children loved taking part in the under the sea themed activities that helped to develop their gross motor skills, turn taking and listening skills and creativity.
This afternoon, the boys and girls in Year 2 have been experimenting with composing music using their bodies. They explored different parts of their bodies to find out which created the best sound. The children used their hands, shoulders, feet and knees to create a sequence of body percussion. The