

Today was Reception’s time to shine as they performed the Wriggly Nativity. The children performed in the morning for grandparents and in the afternoon for parents day carers with both shows being fantastic. During the show, the boys and girls sang, danced and recited lines to present the story of t


In Year 2, the children have been studying collage.  They have enjoyed looking at some of his different work as well as finding out some facts about him and his background. These pictures show a lesson where the pupils studied one of his famous pieces called ‘The Snail’.  They made their own repre


On Friday, the children in Reception and Nursery had a fantastic treat. The story teller Chris Bostock came to share with us a story called ‘Starlight’. It was about a small possum that had been on a journey to find some crayfish for his ill mother. He met some very interesting characters on the way


Everyone had fun at the Toddler Group Christmas party.  The children and grown ups enjoyed taking part in Christmas craft activities, playing party games and dancing. We even had a special visit from Santa Claus himself! He had a sack full of presents for the girls and boys. At the end of the Chris


Yesterday evening, the Harlow Green Cheerleaders performed their incredible routine in front of an adoring crowd! They shook their pom-poms, cartwheeled perfectly and worked beautifully as a team. It was a joy to watch how excited and enthusiastic the children were before and during their performanc


This week, Year 3 have been learning how to perform a range of poems to an audience. The boys and girls explored ‘The School Kid Rap’ by John Foster, ‘Louder’ by Roger Stevens and ‘Fruit Picking’ by Jack Ousbey. They have focused on actions, expression, use of voice and following a steady beat to br


Yesterday afternoon, a group of our sporting superstars attended an intense dodgeball competition. It all began with two friendly games, then the competition really began! The children competed fantastically and were complimented on their fair play, listening skills and fanastic behaviour! All of th