Wow! Thank you so much for your continued support with our Mission Christmas Appeal. The amount and variety of gifts donated so far is overwhelming and the pile just keeps on growing! Don’t worry, if you would still like to contribute, you have until Monday 16th December, when the gifts will be co
This week was the final Art Club of the term. The children enjoyed making fantastic Christmas tree themed cards. They also used the pieces of fabric that they dyed last week to make a Christmas bag and chose some chocolates to go inside. These were taken home to hide and will hopefully surpris
This afternoon, some of our fantastic parents visited Year 2 for a parents’ workshop. The children had already planned and designed their own fire engines, so today the children (and parents) worked hard to make them. The children’s creations featured moving wheels, ladders, hoses and windows. We we
Our new school choirs first performance took place today at St Ninian’s church. This is part of an ongoing community project to help increase dementia awareness and share the energy of youth with local residents. Singing for Happiness is an initiative that aims to bring joy to those experiencing dem
The children in year 5 have spent this half term working on netball skills in PE. Today, we took advantage of a bright day and enjoyed an inter-class netball tournament. The children completed a range of activities including running drills and piggy in the middle. The two classes competed against ea
In Design and Technology, the children have been learning about moving mechanisms. They learnt that a mechanism helps an object to move. They used a slider to help propel the rocket across the night sky by moving it up and down. The children had to cut the rockets out and create a starry night time
In Geography we’ve been learning about how land use changes over time and we were fascinated to look at maps of Harlow Green from now and 100 years ago. So much has changed – and we couldn’t believe how many pits there used to be! Article 29 – develop a broad education that supports different talent
Our Toddler Group had lots of fun when Mini Movers came to visit. The children and grown ups enjoyed singing, dancing and playing games. Toddler Group runs every Friday morning (term time only) in the school hall 9am until 10.30am. It is a great way to make new friends and get involved in new activi
A big thank you to everyone who has donated gifts to Mission Christmas so far. We are overwelmed by the kindness and generosity from our school community. There will be some very happy children at Christmas time. You still have time to donate a Christmas gift before the Christmas Elf comes to collec
The children in Reception have enjoyed a treat this week. A lady has visited our school from Gateshead Library and shared a story with us. It was an interesting story about a small creature in a cave. We had some exciting snowball throwing and some rainfall inside our classroom. We even got to take