In maths this week, Year 4 have continued to work on place value. In particular, we have compared and ordered 4-digit numbers using the key concept that we start by looking at the digit in the thousands column. In pairs, we explored how many different 4-digit numbers can be made from placing 4 count
In Year 2 the children created some tremendous tipees for their squirrel friend. In class we looked at some photos of different communities around the world who live in dwellings like these, continuing our conversations about habitats and how the environment often dictates the kind of buildings we c
Angel Court visits have restarted, so wonderful to see the residents again. Neil, a woodworking artist, is delivering the sessions. Everybody was involved in sanding the working parts for the wooden toys that we are building. Then linseed oil was then rubbed into the grain to help to protect and enh
In their History lessons, Year 5 have been learning about key events that occurred during the Anglo Saxon period. The children identified significant facts including, when the Anglo Saxons first arrived in Britain, the Viking invasion of Britain and even when ‘Beowulf’ was originally written. Once
Today in Year 3, the children found and located Egypt on a map and enjoyed exploring artefacts. The boys and girls were very intrigued and created questions for us to investigate and explore throughout our topic. They are excited to return to and answer these questions once we have researched ancien
Delighted to have 3 children awarded their pen licence for the hard work and effort put into their handwriting since the start of term. Not only are they the first in 4A, but also the first in the whole school for this academic year. Congratulations! I am now watching out for the next set! Art
Year 6 have been beginning to learn how to play tag rugby. In their first couple of sessions, they have really focused on how to pass and move with the ball. It takes a bit of getting used to that you have to run forwards, but pass backwards. Once this was understood, the children were able to per
Welcome to our new tribe! As part of the launch for our book this half term, Year 4 became part of the Hairy Hooligan Tribe from How To Train Your Dragon and created our own Viking tribe members. All we need now is a dragon each! We completed some writing about our characters with lots of imaginat
This week in Reception, the children have been exploring the junk modelling area. The children thought really hard about what they wanted to build and chose their materials carefully. They explored different ways to cut, stick and decorate as they brought their designs to life. We had some brillia