

In Year One the children have been reading a new book “Stone Girl, Bone Girl.”  It’s all about the life of Mary Anning and her important scientific discovery – the excavation of the first dinosaur bones in the United Kingdom.  The children had to pretend to be Mary Anning and carefully remove foss


This week has been STEM week in school and, as part of the week, some of the Year 6 children were lucky enough to go on a visit to the Nissan factory. Possibilities is a key driver of the school’s curriculum and this visit allowed the children to understand and see a future career path as an enginee


Year 4 have been applying their number knowledge to calculations using column addition.  We used counters to demonstrate our calculations and where the exchanged (or carried) value came from.  The children wanted to show you their work and hard they’d focused. Article 29 – we all have the right to


To round off our term of hockey coaching in P.E.,  4A and 4B had a play off between classes with a tournament of 5 minute games with total won games and goal count going towards crowning the overall winning class. This time we awarded 4B with the champions title…let us see what happens in the nex


A big thank you to everyone who donated cakes and attended our Macmillan Coffee Morning today. Our Year Six children who are part of our Rights Respecting Group had an important part to play serving the delicious cakes. It was lovely to see so many people enjoying a coffee and a cake while raising m


Today tripod lashings were introduced to Year 3, bringing in more challenge to their tipee building. Being able to complete a tight fastenings will allow the children to be even more creative in their structure making. Article 6 – We all have the right to live and to succeed at whatever we do.