In DT this week, year 4 thoroughly enjoyed making 3D models of Viking homes. The brief was to design and build a model that showed some of their key features. From their research, the children identified that Viking homes were constructed from either mud or wood, were single story, had thatched or t
This half term, the children in Year 5 have been developing their Tag Rugby skills. They have worked on their passing skills, footwork and attacking and defending. This week, the children put their skills into action in small sided games. During the matches, the children showed how well their skills
In Year 5, for their Art unit of work, the children have studied batik. They looked at different artists’ examples of batik before creating their own design. The children thoroughly enjoyed applying wax or glue to material before using brusho paint to dye the fabric. The results were fantastic! Arti
For the next 5 weeks the children and Angel Court residents will be working with an artist focusing on ceramics. This week we got to know everybody and started to plan the theme for the next few sessions. A common topic of conversation, no matter what the activity, is food. Whether it be baking, mak
Year 6 parents, guardians and friends had the opportunity to visit their children in school today during their dance lesson. Health is one of the key drivers of the school’s curriculum and P.E. is an essential part of the school week. The children have been learning the Jive and the Jitterbug, dance
In Science, Year 3 have been learning about light. Today, they explored shadows. After learning how shadows are formed, the boys and girls thoroughly enjoyed investigating how to make shadows larger and clearer. They then had a go at creating their own shadow puppet shows. UNICEF Article 28: We all
Due to the kind contributions from the Harlow Green school community, we have been able to collect a variety of food which will be shared with those in need over the cold autumn and winter months. Yesterday, members of The People’s Kitchen came to collect the items and were helped by children from o
The children really enjoyed exploring our school environment for a number hunt this week. The children used their knowledge of numbers to help them spot different numbers. We also used different ways to represent the numbers such as showing our fingers, counting out claps and jumps. Article
This week at Nursery, we have been reading Old Bear stories by Jane Hissey. The children have enjoyed getting to know the characters in the stories and have thought about the problems they have encountered in each story. After reading Old Bear, the children tried to make their own towers that
This term, the Year 3 Tennis Club have begun training for the new academic year. Within the club, there are a range of experiences with two children who have played previously and who are even members of clubs where others are starting to play for the first time. However, the main focus is for e