

In design and technology the children have designed and made a healthy packed lunch. This included a scrumptious sandwich and a fruit kebab. The children grated, cut and peeled all the ingredients themselves. Article 24: We all have the right to nutritious food.


The children in Year 2 have been working with money all week. Today, they completed a very tricky investigation. To be successful, they had to only use silver coins, only use 5 coins, work systematically and find all possibilities. Initially, the boys and girls found this a really difficult concept


During PE, in Year 3, the boys and girls have been developing their throwing skills. In athletics, the children have been competing to throw the furthest distance with Nerf rockets. In cricket and rounders, they have been learning how to aim, in order to hit a small target. The children worked hard


Year 6 enjoyed a trip to the Roman fort of Vindolanda. They were able to explore the ruins and discover what the different buildings had been used for. it was interesting to see a real archaeological dig taking place, where the first pair of Roman boxing gloves has been discovered. The children then


This half term in Maths, Year 5 have been focusing on deepening our knowledge of shape. We created various quadrilaterals using geoboards and elastic bands, and replicated our polygon onto squared and dotted paper. Then we completed STEM sentences to identify the properties of each shape, including


Despite the wet weather, this did not stop us from having a brilliant time at the farm. The children loved  feeding the baby lambs, holding the baby chicks, feeding the goats, meeting the donkey, holding the rabbits and guinea pigs and meeting the piglets. A particular favourite was the very bumpy


Today, special visitors came in to Harlow Green to deliver an assembly focused on rewarding excellent attendance. Rob and Hannah were representing  ‘EYPS Teaching Supply’ which is working with our school to provide an attendance award, each half term, for the class that achieves the highest attenda