A lovely afternoon at Angel Court catching up with old friends. This week we were helping to finish off some decorative boards that the residents have been working on. Inspired by some of the screen prints and sewing we did last year, the boards were cut to shape and decorated using paint pens. They
Year 6 have had fun learning some Shakespeare this week. They have been looking at the play ‘Macbeth’ and have acted out the famous scene between Lady Macbeth and her husband where she is convincing him to murder King Duncan. They also really enjoyed creating their own Shakespearean insults to call
This week in Reception, the children said goodbye to our beautiful butterflies. Our baby caterpillars had finally turned in butterflies. We set them free on our school field. To celebrate the children made butterfly cupcakes. They used their mathematical skills to weigh out the ingredients. The chil
During science in year 3, the boys and girls have been investigating magnets. The children began with a scrapyard challenge where they used magnets to separate materials into magnetic and non- magnetic. Next, they created an illusion of a floating paperclip using the strength of magnetic fields. The
This morning, our fantastic Year 3 and Year 4 athletes took part in the 15th year of Glynwood Games! The pupils all showed fantastic skills in all of the events and should be proud of the effort they showed today. Both our teams came 3rd overall, with our Year 3 team missing out on second place by j
Great excitement and joy this week as Year 1 experienced their first Forest School session. Over the term we will be investigating all of our school grounds in detail. It is important that the children feel a strong sense of closeness to and ownership of their surroundings, learning about nature in
This morning, Year 4 were lucky enough to have some parents/carers join us for a morning of times tables! The children (and adults) took part in a carousel of activities exploring times tables in lots of different ways. There were activities on iPads, Tarsia puzzles, Times Up Towers, Times Up Cards
June 5th is ‘World Environment Day’ led by the United Nations with the aim of raising awareness and putting actions into place which will help protect the world in which we live. There are many ways in which our lifestyles have a negative impact upon our environment. However, there are many ways i
Once again, our annual food fayre has been a huge success! It was a glorious day and it was fantastic to see so many parents, carers and family members coming along to join in the fun! We all enjoyed delicious food (including pizzas made by the staff in our very own cob oven!), a range of stalls and
Yesterday, six Year 4 children went to Kingsmeadow to compete against different schools playing netball. They played fantastically as a team and really enjoyed showing off their netball skills they learnt with their coach last term.