

This week in Reception, the children have been exploring the junk modelling area. The children thought really hard about what they wanted to build and chose their materials carefully. They explored different ways to cut, stick and decorate as they brought their designs to life.  We had some brillia


This week we have welcomed some new children to our Nursery as well as welcoming back our returning children.  For many children, it is the first time they have stayed at our Nursery by themselves and we are very proud of how well they have settled in.  The adults in Nursery have been spending lot


The children in Year 2 have had an excellent start to the year. In English they are studying the traditional tale of Beauty and the Beast.  They have been thinking about how to punctuate accurately using capital letters and full stops.  This became even more tricky for the children when the senten


Year 4 have really enjoyed the first science block this week which was all about the science of sound. They enthusiastically experimented with different instruments and everyday objects, to see how they could get them to make a sound. Through their observations, the objective was to identify that a


Today, the children in Year 2 to Year 6 were all excited as they got the opportunity to see cyclists racing in the Tour of Britain 2019.  Luckily for us, the route led directly passed our school and we all got the chance to see the dedication and skill required to race at that level.  It was all o


Year 5 have been enjoying introductory activities to the English book for this half term, ‘Beowulf’ a retelling by Michael Morpurgo.  The children thought about questions they would ask Grendel, the evil beast of the story.  Using their inference skills, the children responded to the questions in


Year One enjoyed making dinosaur headbands and acting out the story of Tyrannosaurus Drip. “Up with hunting!” roared the Tyrannosaurus Rex. “Up with reeds!” hooted the duckbill dinosaur. The children had so much fun pretending to be the characters from the story. Article 28: We all have the right t


The children have had a great start in Year 3 this week! During science, the boys and girls have been aiming to answer the key question, ‘What is Light?’ They began by mind mapping everything they already knew. In teams, they sorted images and identified sources of light before completing a blindfol


This week, the children in Reception have been settling in well to their new classroom.  We have been getting to know our new teachers and classmates while exploring all the different areas and new resources.  They have really enjoyed playing with the Lego, exploring colours in the painting area