During maths, Year 3 have been learning to read the time. The boys and girls have worked hard this week, using their reasoning skills to solve problems about the months of the year and are learning to tell the time at 5 minute intervals. The children have worked extremely hard to read roman numera
In RE, the children have been learning about who Moses is and why he is important to Jewish people. The children retold the story of Moses and created their own ten commandments. The boys and girls created their own stone tablets to display their ten laws. UNICEF Article 30: We all have the right to
In Science, Year 3 have been investigating how plants grow well. The boys and girls chose their own question and set up their own investigations, removing an important factor from the plants e.g. water. During the week, the children observed any changes and used scientific vocabulary to write up the
After a busy week completing their SATS the Year 6 children enjoyed some down time in our Forest School. They made friendship bracelets, cooked cinnamon dampers over the camp fire, whittled sticks and made dens. Great to see how independent they have become, demonstrating safe practice without promp
Year 6 had an afternoon of fun to celebrate the end of their SATs including having a picnic, an ice-cream and Mrs Jennings’ legendary cupcakes. A huge well done to all of the children for their efforts this week. We are extremely proud of them. Article 31 – We all have the right to play and r
Year 6 enjoyed the opportunity to forget about their SATs and get their hands dirty producing some art work. They have been studying the artwork of Henry Moore and Giacometti and this week they produced sculptures using clay, wire, straws and masking tape.
The children have been interested in making bubbles. So we decided to investigate how we would go about bubble making! We really enjoyed exploring the different ways to make different sized bubbles and discovered that the hula hoop worked very well.
This week, the children were really excited to discover some snails in our outdoor area! This created a fantastic discussion about how we could look after the snails. Some children were really brave and held the snails with their hands.
The boys and girls at Nursery have enjoyed taking part in lots of under the sea themed activities. They have been creating fish using bubble wrap to paint and collage materials. They have been doing lots of counting activities using ten frames to count seaside objects. To develop their writing
Today, Year 2 had an amazing time working with a local artist. They used the outdoors for inspiration and collected their own leaves to inspire their work. Each class created a large piece of artwork using a range of techniques to recreate the colours, shapes and patterns they could see.