

Over this week, we have taken time in school to talk about the importance of Remembrance Day.  This has been particularly important this year with 2018 marking one hundred years since the end of the First World War. On Monday, the children listened to an assembly which shared various aspects about


In Reception, we celebrated Bonfire Night by doing lots of different activities. We made firework pictures, thought of firework sounds, made colourful firework bottles, collected sparkly objects, and made sparkly stars. The children practised writing letters in firework coloured sand. The children l


This half term, Year 5 have been lucky enough to receive specialist basketball coaching from Anthony and Coach C from the Newcastle Eagles! Players from the team also came in to teach workshops about having a healthy body, healthy relationships and a healthy lifestyle! We had a great time, and can’t


In Year 3, the boys and girls have been working creatively in a group to plan their own challenging game. The children were given a choice of equipment and they had to decide on rules and strategies to make their games fair, safe and fun. The boys and girls then described their games to the rest of


Year 6 have started to play netball in their P.E. sessions. They have been learning the difficult art of pivoting when they catch the ball to avoid a foul for footwork. They have been able to use chest, bounce and javelin passes successfully and are beginning to think about space in small-sided game


Year 6 have been learning about verb tenses and what the past and present progressive mean. They played a game with dice where they needed to create a sentence in the correct tense form to gain a point. They were playing really well (past progressive). We are hoping that they remember it (present pr


Year 6 have been investigating how light travels in straight lines. They used string and a torch to represent the path of the light ray and had to show how it is reflected from objects and then travels to the eye to allow people to see.


The children in Year 2 have been learning about the Great Fire of London as part of their History work and in class they talked about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot.  At Art club this week  the pupils created bonfire collages and drew fireworks in the night sky.


Our tag rugby team competed in the finals of the Gateshead tournament at Blaydon Rugby Club.  They played four matches, one of which they won, one they lost and the final two were drawn. All of the children showed an amazing attitude and thoroughly enjoyed competing.  Well done everyone!


Our Year 6 children are now very experienced in the practical skills of Forest School, they have worked hard to develop positive communication strategies and have a confidence and sense of ownership when working outside. From September they have been running their own Forest School sessions. They sp