

Year 2 have been working hard learning about time conjunctions this week. They began by going on a time conjunctions hunt when they couldn’t think of many. On the hunt, the children found so many great time conjunctions the could use. Together, they created a word bank for their working wall. Today,


The boys and girls in Year 3 have been investigating mixing colours. They began by mixing two primary colours together to create secondary colours and then explored what happens when you mix a combination of these together to create tertiary colours. The children had great fun making their own colou


On Tuesday, Reception had lots of fun in PE. They had to travel with a beanbag on their head around the cones. It was hard not to drop the beanbag. At the end of the cones, they had to jump in a hoop and then run back to the beginning. The best bit was using the hoops as steering wheels in and out o


Clearing out the Forest School area and getting ready for Spring is an important job. This week Years 3 and 5 have been clearing old den building materials to store and dry for use on the fire. This gives more room for fresh materials to be delivered. The leaf mulch that gathers underneath our den s


This week our new creative project began at Angel Court. Neil, the artist we are working with, had prepared wooden boxes, we then mixed sharp sand with pva glue to provide a simple cement. The children and residents then decided on patterns, using various materials such as stone, glass, slate and sh


This week in Year 5, we invited our parents and carers into school to learn about the different ways we practise our times tables! We played bingo and dominoes, we coloured in, and we competed against each other with Hit The Button! We had a fabulous time, and we loved showing off how good we are at


We’ve had an exciting (yet challenging) time making puppets in year 4. The children researched, designed and made their very own puppet! We practised own sewing technique to make our puppet pals!  


In Year 3, the boys and girls have been learning how to divide with remainders. The children used lollipop sticks to group into threes and fours and look for any left over. They worked together to solve a range of divisions and recorded their calculations on whiteboards.


This week, the boys and girls have been looking very carefully for numbers when they have been out and about.  They have been spotting numbers at home, in the outdoor area and around school.  They have also been having a go at representing numbers by drawing pictures and tallies and trying to form