

Year Six have been learning about semi-colons this week. They had to match up independent clauses that could be joined together by a semi-colon and then write sentences of their own. It was fun matching up the parts of the jigsaw. The teachers were really impressed with how well the children did and


Year Six have been developing their knowledge of circuits. They have drawn circuit diagrams using the correct circuit symbols and have explained what may cause an output not to work. The children have though about how cells work; they know the importance of the opposite electrodes being next to each


Year 4 have learnt about how electricity is made and used, and presented these facts to the class. They then looked at how electricity travels around a circuit and  made their own circuits using different components. They were amazed when they could make a bulb light using just kitchen foil and a b


Very proud boys, showing off their tripod making skills. During our Forest School sessions, Year 3 have been investigating the importance of water, both in ancient and modern civilizations.  Examining a globe, we discussed why certain countries have developed methods of transporting water, how thi


Year One had their first ever ICT lesson today.  They learnt to safely log on to the computer all by themselves.  They thought it was fantastic.  Well done Year One.  


Year One have been going dinosaur crazy.  The children firstly searched the school grounds to find as many different types of dinosaur as they could.  Next they made dinosaur headbands to help them act out the story of Tyrannosaurus Drip.  Raahh!  


As part of our new start in Year 5, we have been exploring ideas surrounding the three ‘R’s: Rights, Responsibilities and Rules. We thought about what the world, our country, our home and school might be like if there were no three ‘R’s. We then pictured our school and home and drew a scene


Year 5 have been learning about place value in larger numbers. As part of our learning we have explored how numbers can be broken down in parts and represented as a part-whole diagram. We enjoyed working out how to break the numbers down and jumping into the appropriate hoops to better understand th


Year 2 continue to discover more about the natural world during their Forest School sessions. This week we are beginning to explore natural habitats, learning how humans impact the world around them. We discussed how we can introduce changes to our school site to ensure it is a safe haven for wildli


We have had a busy few days in Reception. The boys and girls have enjoyed settling into their new classroom and making new friends. They have been exploring the different areas and have been very creative.