

This half term, some children from Year Four have attended Music Club with Mrs Galvin. The children have had lots of fun listening to, and making music, in different ways. They enjoyed playing games like ‘Pass the Cup’ using different rhythms, using the boomwhackers to make different sounds to m


In Geography, the boys and girls have been learning about rural and urban areas. They began by exploring what these terms mean and identifying rural and urban areas from photographs.  They then compared maps of Harlow Green over the years and concluded that it has changed from a rural area into an


Year 4 have been studying mountains this term, and to finish off our Geography topic we took a trip to the hilliest park we could find (Wharton Park – Durham – our version of a mini-mountain). Whilst there, we took part in some orienteering and compass work all around the park, run by Durham County


Today we held our annual Harlow Green Easter egg competition.  It was clear to see that we have some highly creative children by the level of detail that was put into our competition entries. The eggs were displayed around school so that each class could take a tour and have a look at them.  Ou

This week, the children in Reception were treated to a visit from two police officers from Northumbria police service.  The police officers talked to the children about the job that they do including how they help people and keep them safe.  They showed the children their uniforms and some of the


In PSHE this week, Year 4 have been talking about their families and what they mean to them. It was lovely to see how much they appreciate their families even if they don’t always show it! The children identified how family units can be very different; some families can be vary large and some small;


On Tuesday, the children took a school trip to Newcastle Central Mosque.  Throughout the day, the children recapped what they had learnt in school about the Islamic faith. The children were able to see the minbar (where the imam who leads the prayers and delivers the sermons stands). Additionally,