

Before the Easter holidays, during the author visit, we were introduced to the story of Macbeth when Chris Connaughton acted out the whole play single-handedly. The children enjoyed the performance and got an insight into the story . Over the last two weeks, we have looked at the opening scenes wher


Year 4 have begun working on their new text in English. Along side their History topic about the Ancient Greeks, they are studying Greek myths in English. As many of them are already familiar with characters from Greek myths, they were particularly excited to be using this as a stimulus for their wo


This term, Year Two have been learning about fractions. They have explored what different fractions look like by colouring shapes and finding a fraction of an amount. The children started by identifying that fractions are made up of equal parts. They looked at different ways of dividing shapes and d


This week in Nursery we have made a dark den in our classroom, and have explored using torches. We started our week reading the story ‘Kipper’s Monster’. Kipper went on an adventure in the woods to build a den with his friend Tiger. When they were in the woods a horrendous, terrifying shadow appeare


For our summer science topic we are learning about plants.  Firstly we learnt what a plant is. Despite the rainy weather, we all went onto the field for a plant hunt.  The children found many different kinds of plant including bluebells, grass, daffodils, daisies and buttercups and they enjoyed cr


During Maths, the boys and girls have started learning about mass. They began by looking at images of objects on balance scales and explaining how they could tell which was heaviest and which was lightest. The children could explain that if the scales were balanced, it meant the mass of the objects