The boys and girls in Year 1 have been investigating how to paint with different thicknesses of brushes and how to mix paints to make secondary colours. The topic began by using artists pencils to draw a variety of different lines. They learnt that lines can be long or short, thick or thin and wri
Every Tuesday, the children in Year 4 are lucky enough to have Ukulele lessons with Mr Langford. The children have been working on chords and composition as well as learning all about the history of music. They have focused on many genres of music such as pop, folk and blues, but the crowd favourite
Year 4 have enjoyed a block of art over the last two weeks – exploring sketching and drawing with the human form, reducing it first to squares and rectangles, then adding circles to create shape and curves. We have looked at artists like Deborah Roberts, Pablo Picasso and his partner Francoise Gilot
This week, the boys and girls have been learning about the Jewish festival of Purim. They began by listening to the Story of Esther and can retell the events. They understand that Esther showed courage and bravery at a time when she would have felt worried and scared. Everyone then reflected on how
Year 4 collaborated to construct obstacles for an assault course. Forest School opportunities are designed to build on an individual’s innate motivation, positive attitudes and/or interests. Any Forest School experience follows a Risk–Benefit process managed jointly by the practitioner and learn
Now the days are getting longer, so our hens are beginning to lay. The nursery children collected the eggs today. They were very surprised at how many colours and sizes there were. Who knew you could get blue or even green eggs! They were even more surprised when the eggs were cracked, they all lo
This week, Year 6 were lucky to be visited by Chef Nick Fairley, who worked with them to create two healthy dishes from America. He also talked to them about the possibilities that are open to children who enjoy cooking and his career path to becoming a chef, an educator and to owning his own cooker
Nursery have been learning about the season of Spring this week. We started our week reading and the story “that’s my flower” which focused on a squirrel finding a flower in the woods. It was the only flower that had grown so far and he wanted it to be his. It talked us through how flowers beg
Over the last two weeks, Year 6 have been learning about fractions, decimals and percentage in their maths lessons. To begin with, the children had to become familiar with percentage, decimal and fraction equivalents. Knowing these equivalences allowed the children to compare and order them. The chi
In Maths, Year Two have been learning all about measurement. They have learned how to measure the length and height of an object as well as the mass. To begin, the children used a ruler to measure the length of different objects and lines. To ensure their measurement was accurate, they had to line t